~chapter one~

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*messages between Dahlia and Sapnap*


hey Dahlia I was supposed to do this stream today but some stuff came up and I was wondering if maybe you could fill in for me


what would I be playing and with who


among us and just some of my friends, you'll like them I promise


c'mon you're just going to force me into a call with a bunch of random people to play a game that I'm absolute trash at, I think I'll pass on that one Sap


but I already told them you would do it


Sapnap, for all you know I could've been busy and Preston is supposed to come over today


you're never busy, the stream is at 3:00 and I'm giving you content so be thankful and have him hangout while you stream, please I really need you to do this




thank you so much


you owe me

*real life; third person pov*

Sapnap was Dahlia's best friend who she had met around two years ago from them both having the same hobby being Minecraft. Dahlia beat him in a few rounds of Bedwars and he messaged her through the game chat asking how she was so good at the game which she appreciated. After talking in game chat for a little Sapnap asked Dahlia for her discord and ever since they have been best friends. Dahlia sat her phone down beside her on the desk as she clicked open her discord and among us tabs as she realized her friend had only given her a thirty minute notice to when she would be streaming. She saw that Sapnap had added her into a chat with a bunch of other people titled "among us" so she clicked in to see that a few people were already in a vc.

She took a deep breath before entering the vc only to be welcomed by screaming coming from what sounded like a small British child. Everyone must've noticed that she had joined because only seconds later it went silent "uhm, hi, I'm Dahlia. Sapnap asked me to fill in for him because he had some plans come up or something" she explained, assuming that everyone was confused on why there was a random girl in the vc. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Tubbo" a boy said, making Dahlia smile at how welcoming his voice sounded "I'm Tommy" another one said and Dahlia immediately recognized him as the one who had been screaming only minutes prior.

"I'm Clay but you can call me Dream, Sap has told me a lot about you" another voice said and Dahlia recognized the name "oh you're Sapnap's roommate right?" "yeah, that would be me," he said. Dahlia noticed that there was one more person in the call who had yet to introduce themselves but she didn't mention it and just continued on with conversation for a few minutes.

After a while she heard another British voice join back into conversation "who's the new girl" he asked making Tommy laugh "I'm Dahlia, Sapnap's friend, he asked me to take his place today because he said he had some plans come up or something" she explained again now having all the nervousness rush back through her veins after becoming somewhat comfortable with the others in the call. "Oh, I'm George, nice to meet you and also just thought I'd let everyone know that I started my stream so don't be dumb" the voice said and she heard a laugh come from Dream's end of the call before he yelled "PENIS" making everyone in the call burst out into fits of laughter. "I said don't be dumb" George jokingly clarified before Dahlia decided she should probably start her stream soon "so how many other people will there be here" she asked and Dream quickly responded "our other friends Wilbur, Karl, Quackity and some others might join later but I think that's it" he explained and Dahlia hummed an okay in response before going to start her stream "I'll be right back I'm gonna start stream" she quickly told the call before muting herself and turning down the volume.

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