~chapter two~

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dahlia. I'm getting too good at taking pictures without my face


user1 love the outfit, so cute!!!

dreamwastaken she might be better at taking pictures without her face than i am

^dahlia. there's no way I could be better than the faceless king

user2 I love the skirt!!

user3 where's the jacket from i love it

sapnap glad you had fun filling in for me last night, up for some bed wars tonight??

^dahlia. I'll be there!!

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*real life; third person pov*

Dahlia woke up to her phone ringing and the sun shining through her windows, she squinted her eyes as she cursed to herself for forgetting to close the curtains last night, she looked at her phone to see that Preston was calling her and she quickly answered it.

*phone call between Preston and Dahlia*

"Hey babe what's up" she asked as she laid back down in her bed "I was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch but by the sound of it you just woke up so I'm assuming you don't" he said almost like it was a question but she quickly responded "no no no I'd love to go to lunch just give me like twenty minutes okay". "Okay I'll be over soon" he told her and she could tell he was smiling on the other end of the phone and she was glad that he was happier with her today.

*real life; third person pov*

Dahlia was putting on her jacket as she heard a knock on her front door and she quickly ran over opening it to see her boyfriend standing there smiling at her, "ready to go" he asked as he put his hand out for her to grab. Dahlia took his hand into hers as she locked the door and followed him out of the building and out into the cold weather immediately getting chills all down her spine "I probably shouldn't have worn a skirt" she laughed hoping that he would find it funny but he just hummed an annoyed response leaving them to walk in somewhat uncomfortable silence while Dahlia tried to think of something he would enjoy talking about.

As the couple approached the restaurant Preston walked in first, not bothering to hold the door for his girlfriend who was walking only a foot or two behind him. Dahlia caught the door as it was about to close in her face and followed behind him as he found a table near the back. After a couple minutes of silence Dahlia decided to try and start a conversation "I made lots of new friends on that stream I did last night" she told him, earning an annoyed laugh from the boy who sat across from her "you sound like a child" he told her coldly. Dahlia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion but shook of the feeling after a while "what did you do last night after you left" she asked him and he focused his attention onto her for the first time since they arrived "I went to a friends house, one who was actually going to pay attention to me". Dahlia gave him a half smile and nodded as he turned his attention back to his phone and she leaned back in her chair looking at the menu.

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