~chapter six~

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dahlia. - Movie night :]


georgenotfound-did you take this in the morning when you were taking too long to get ready
^dahlia.-that indeed is possibility

dreamwastaken-you and George went on a trip without me and Sapnap??
^sapnap-we literally live together without them
^dreamwastaken-you were supposed to agree with me
^dahlia.-I agree with Sapnap

user1-so are her and George dating now or something??
^georgenotfound- nope, just friends!
^dahlia.-best friends :]

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*real life; third person pov*

"What do you want to do today" Dahlia asked as she sat next to her friend on the couch, George turned off his phone and turned his attention to the girl, giving her a smile and shrugging his shoulders. "It doesn't really matter to me, whatever you want is fine" he told her and a smile immediately spread across her face as she already knew what she wanted to do "movie night" she told him, her voice laced with excitement making the boy smile at her "sounds like a plan, wanna go to the store to get snacks" George suggested making Dahlia jump up off the couch "let's go".

George followed Dahlia out to the car, opening her door for her and then walking around and getting into the driver's seat. They sat in the car talking while George tried to navigate his way around the new area eventually making it to the store. Dahlia jumped out of the car excitedly waiting for George who was certainly taking his time "c'mon George let's gooo" she complained as the boy got out of the car, laughing as she drug him into the store grabbing a basket and heading straight to the snack aisle. The two picked out snacks and things that they wanted for their movie night and decided not to get anything for dinner since Dahlia suggested they just order pizza instead.

When they walked up to the self checkout Dahlia took out her wallet not letting George to get a second to even think about paying since Dahlia had promised to pay for something on this trip. "Hey that's not fair, you should've at least asked me. I don't want you to pay for me" George complained sounding like he genuinely felt bad that she had paid "if i asked you would've said no, and i really don't mind. You can buy the pizza tonight, deal" she asked and George nodded his head, still feeling bad but ultimately a little better. After Dahlia paid they walked back to the car, George carrying the bags because he still felt bad but it just made Dahlia laugh. They got back into the car and on the way back they talked about what movies they wanted to watch and they decided on three different ones they wanted to watch. When they got back to the house Dahlia went straight to the couch and George sat next to her putting on the first movie.

"Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be right back" George told Dahlia who was laying next to him on the couch almost asleep. She hummed a response making him laugh as he got up and walked out of the room. George came back a couple minutes later, ready to start the last movie when he saw that Dahlia was asleep he smiled to himself as he walked over to the girl pulling the blanket over her and turning off the tv before taking out his phone.

*George's pov- call with Sapnap*

I walked over to Dahlia, pulling the blanket up so she didn't get cold, she looked so cute when she was asleep. I looked at her for a second, admiring how pretty she looked, the way her hair perfectly framed her face even when it was messy and the way she talked softly in her sleep saying random nonsense but it was still adorable. Even when we fell asleep over call I caught myself staying up just so that I could feel her there with me even if it was just over the phone.

I walked out of the living room and down the hall to the room I was staying in and almost immediately called Sapnap. "hey dude what's up" he asked enthusiastically as I set my phone down on the dresser so he could see me "I have a problem" I told him and he looked at me with concern. I was walking back and forth in front of the phone and my head was going one hundred miles per hour, why was I thinking like this, we're just friends. "Hey George are okay" Sapnap asked, snapping me out of my thoughts, I shook my head trying to refocus myself "I don't know what's going on Sap, one second I was fine with being her friend and then the next I just wanted to lay on the couch with her, you know she looks really cute when she sleeps. Like so cute that you would just want to lay with her and never let her go because you're scared you won't hold her again if she leaves" I rambled not exactly realizing what I was telling him but it was too late to take it back now "wait are you talking about Dahl" Sapnap asked almost shocked but I was prepared for that "you like Dahlia" he asked again and I stopped walking so I could look at him "yes Sap I like Dahlia but what am I supposed to do about it, she's not mine. She just broke up with that one dude and she probably just thinks of me as the friend who she plays Minecraft with". Sapnap sighed as I fell back onto the bed still leaving my phone on the dresser "you just have to give her time, she just got out of a shitty relationship and even if she seems ok she's obviously going to be sad about it and plus Dahl sucks with the feelings shit so just give her a minute she'll come around you just have to give her time".

Word count; 1016

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