~chapter fifteen~

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dahlia. You know for being two boys, their house is pretty clean


dreamwastaken it's not normally this clean, sapnap forced me to clean before you came

sapnap i would feel flattered but i'm a little mad you didn't just say this to my face
^dahlia. Sorry i will come downstairs and tell you now

user1 still can't believe she is with sapnap and dream and didn't bring George, kind of a  bitch move ngl...
^user2 honestly, like he has been friends with them longer
^user3 you literally don't know the story behind it like what if he was busy or didn't want to go
Liked by dahlia, sapnap, dreamwastaken and 400+ others

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*real life; third person pov*

Dahlia walked off the plane thanking the lady who was kind enough to grab her bag from the overhead compartment for her. She looked around the crowded area looking for a specific boy whose face she knew too well to miss. She scanned the room before finally landing on a pair of brown eyes, she ran over, immediately being engulfed into a hug and smiled up at the boy that stood before her. "Oh my god you have no fucking clue how much I have missed your hugs" the girl told her friend with a laugh and he just smiled giving her another hug before walking out to the car.

"So are you excited to meet Clay'' Sapnap asked as the two got into the car and he put the key into the ignition. Dahlia was nervous to say the least but she was excited, she had never left her hometown before so this was all so new to her. "I'm nervous to see what he looks like," the girl said honestly, it's not like she had no clue what he looked like. He didn't exactly try to hide his face from her like when he would come into the room while her and Sapnap were on the phone he wouldn't hide from the phone but he never really tried going into frame. She had seen him in the background of a few calls when Sapnap was in a main area of the house like the living room or kitchen but it was always the back of his head or his shoulder or something simple that didn't give away too much of his looks.

When the two friends arrived back at the house Dahlia had realized just how tired she was and was hoping that meeting Clay wouldn't take too long so that she could get some sleep. She went to get her bags from the back but was quickly stopped by her friend who told her to just head inside and he would grab them. She thanked him and made her way inside and was immediately greeted by a small cat walking by her feet. She smiled brightly as she remembered seeing Patches on her and Sapnap's facetime calls before. She scooped up the cat into her arms and gave them lots of attention before she was interrupted by a familiar voice from somewhere in the house "STOP CHASING ME" they yelled, making Dahlia laugh as she set Patches back onto the floor just as Sapnap walked in. "why the fuck is he yelling" he asked and Dahlia just shook her head "I don't know, he's your friend" she laughed taking her bags from his hands and following him to the guest room where she was staying. "I think he's either filming or streaming so you can meet him later if you want to sleep now" Sapnap told her as he turned to leave the room and Dahlia gave him a quick thank you before laying onto the bed to take a nap.

Word count; 671

[a/n; currently still in the process of writing the next chapter so it will probably be a few days for the next chapter]

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