~chapter nine~

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dahlia.  When you can't sleep you should simply go out and look at the stars ( and maybe bring a friend ;] )


georgenotfound ;]
^dahlia.  <3
^sapnap what's happening
^dreamwastaken i thought you would know, ignore that text i sent where i asked you what was happening

sapnap i want to look at stars
^dahlia.  then go do that
^sapnap  it's light outside though
^dahlia.  that sucks 4 u

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*real life; third person pov*

Dahlia sat in her bed scrolling through her phone as she decided what to do that would hopefully either make her tired or distract her from the fact that she should be asleep. The time was nearing three am and the girl so badly wished she were asleep, she hated the feeling of being awake so late, it made her feel weird and more cautious of her surroundings. It made her feel like she should get up and make sure all the doors were locked and all the windows were closed.  Just as Dahlia was starting to settle down from the sudden fear she had she jumped at the sound of her phone going off indicating she had gotten a text.

She looked over to see it was George and she instantly smiled, it had been about a week since she went over to his apartment and the two had yet to hangout again but they had streamed together since then which was full of hidden jokes from their friends but the two didn't mind.

Dahlia picked up her phone and saw that he had asked if she was awake and she quickly replied "yes, can't sleep"  and set her phone back down. After about ten minutes Dahlia heard a knock on her front door and she froze not sure what she should do when there was a knock at her door at nearly three am. She sighed as she picked up her phone and headed towards the door slowly. She looked through the peephole in the door and sighed in relief as she saw a familiar friend standing outside. She opened it to see George standing there smiling and she shook her head. "You shouldn't randomly knock on a girls door at nearly three am I hope you know that" she said laughing as she moved to let him inside but he didn't which slightly confused the girl.

"Come with me" George said as he grabbed the girl's hand and pulled her out of the door quickly closing it behind her and walking down the hall, her hand still interlocked with his. "George where are you bringing me" she asked with a laugh as he opened his car door for her and she stood there hesitantly, "come on Dahlia, you trust me don't you" he smiled at her walking closer so that they were only inches apart making Dahlias face go red. "Yes of course I trust you, I'm just wondering where your bringing me" she said in a whispered tone and George smiled at how nervous the girl had become with him standing this close "it's a surprise, but I know you'll like it so don't worry" he told her, copying her hushed tone making her blush even harder. Dahlia laughed as she got into the car and George shut the door behind her. She would be thinking about that interaction for weeks on end, possibly even months.

George climbed into the car sitting next to her and pulling onto the road, the two were in silence as he drove both just focused on their thoughts. 'I've never been so bold before, I don't know what came over me. What if I made her uncomfortable and that's why she's being quiet. I didn't realize how close I was standing until she had gotten into the car. I hope I didn't mess anything up' George said to himself, slightly giving himself a lecture on how he shouldn't be so straightforward with the girl who had just said she needed time to think about the relationship they had.  And all while the boy was worrying Dahlia was also doing some thinking of her own.

'He was so close, I should have kissed him, I wanted to so bad. He was only inches away from my face and I could feel his eyes on me as I looked at the ground. Why do I have to be so nervous around him, I'm so awkward and weird why can't I just be normal and up front like he is'  The girl told herself as she looked down at her hands hoping that George couldn't feel her shift in her mood. She hoped more than anything that she could redo that situation with more upfront confidence but he wished that he could have a redo with less of that aspect from himself. The two needed to communicate their feelings but in fear of what the other was thinking the pair remained silent until they pulled up to an outlook of the city.

George got out of the car and Dahlia followed, doing the same without speaking a word. The two were in a period of comfortable silence, not sure what the other wanted to hear. They sat on the front of the car, sitting in close proximity due to the lack of room and the temperature of the night. Dahlia had forgotten how cold it got at night and due to the fact that George abruptly pulled her out of her apartment she was still wearing her sweatpants and a random t-shirt she had. Dahlia brought her hands up to her arm rubbing them for warmth, George took note of this and got up walking to the trunk of the car walking back seconds later with a blue hoodie that he had in the back. "I can tell you're cold, put this on" he instructed in a soft worried tone that made Dahlia smile as she grabbed the sweatshirt from his hands putting it on and sliding her hands into the pocket.

The pair sat in silence most of the time with an occasional question from one or the other about a random topic that came to mind. "Why did you bring me here?" Dahlia asked as she looked over at the boy. George turned looking back at her with a smile, the two were close, not too close but close enough that when George turned back to look at the view Dahlia rested her head on his shoulder making them both blush a deep red before the boy continued to speak. "I brought you here because it's like a safe space I guess you could say. I come here when I need to think or when I can't sleep because I've got something on my mind" he explained looking down at the girl from the corner of his eye, being sure not to move in fear that she would lift her head from it's comfortable spot. Dahlia smiled to herself as she recalled that he had asked if she was having trouble sleeping so she inevitably connected the dots on why exactly she was brought here.

Word count; 1208

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