~chapter eighteen~

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[ A/N new chapter finally??? also i saw somewhere that sapnap was uncomfortable with fans using his real name so I am using sapnap from now on and when I get the time i will be going back and changing it in the old chapters as well!! ]

[ A/N new chapter finally??? also i saw somewhere that sapnap was uncomfortable with fans using his real name so I am using sapnap from now on and when I get the time i will be going back and changing it in the old chapters as well!! ]

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dahlia. Everyone let's thank sapnap for this photo he took when all four of us went out to dinner today

user1 wait is that george??? Uhm yes thank you sapnap

user2 thank you very very much sapnap

sapnap yes that's right i'm a photographer
^dahlia. uhm i wouldn't go that far
^sapnap you literally told everyone to thank me wtf???

georgenotfound wait this photo is actually very cute :]
^dahlia. I know right!!
^user3 flirting on the tl??

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*real life; third person pov*

"So where do you want to go eat?" Clay asked as he walked out to the living room where Dahlia and George were sitting watching videos off of her phone and Sapnap was sitting across the room watching tv. "What about that one restaurant we went to with your family that time" Sapnap suggested and Clay quickly nodded in agreement "yes, they had the best food, we are definitely going there no question" he said excitedly and George laughed at the fact that him and Dahlia didn't seem to get an opinion on this. "You guys go get ready, we all meet back here in an hour," Clay told the group before leaving the room and going upstairs to get ready himself.

Dahlia was currently sitting at the desk in her guest bedroom doing her makeup while George sat behind her on her bed just watching her as they made conversation. "What's that stuff you're putting on? '' George asked as Dahlia put a pink powder along her cheek bones, "it's blush, it makes my face look like rosy I guess. I'm not really sure what the point is but I like the way it looks'' Dahlia explained as she looked at him in the reflection of the mirror "so if it makes your face rosy then it's like a red color right" he asked, getting up and walking over to the girl "well more pink but same thing really" she replied with a laugh as she set the blush down on the desk as grabbed her mascara from her bag. "You should help me pick out my outfit, '' Dahlia suggested as she got up from her seat and walked over to the closet where her, and now Gorge's, clothes hung. "Well what are we thinking, like a dress, or something more casual?" He asked as he flipped through the clothes, occasionally stopping at something that interested him. "Well Clay didn't tell us how fancy this restaurant was so I'd say something not too casual but still not fancy, does that make sense" Dahlia explained and george nodded as he continued to look through the clothes, "this might be cute with a skirt, do you have one" he asked pulling a blue top out of the closet "I actually brought a white skirt that would look perfect with it". Dahlia took the shirt from him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing the skirt and walking to the bathroom to change.

"Ok so what do they have at this restaurant" Dahlia asked as the four of them walked down the street to the restaurant. "Well they have really good burgers" Sapnap told her as they approached an intersection. Clay had insisted that they walk to the restaurant as it would only be a three minute drive which in his opinion would be "boring" and he thought they'd have more fun walking. "Last time we went here I got this really good pasta" Clay added on as he went to press the button for the crosswalk. The four crossed the street and Dahlia laughed as she noticed that Sapnap got excited as they approached the restaurant. Clay held the door for them all and walked up to the hostess asking for a reservation that he must've made once the restaurant was decided. The place wasn't too busy, only about seven or eight other people so it wasn't terrible. The lady sat them at a table in the back and placed menus in front of each of them. The table was arranged so that George and Dahlia sat next to each other with Sapnap across from Dahlia and Clay across from George.

After the meal they all decided on the way back to stop at an ice cream shop they had seen on the walk there. The sun was setting and it was beginning to get dark and as a result Dahlia was getting a little chilly. She didn't mind it at first as she was holding George's hand and that brought an element of warmth to her but after a while the temperature of the air and the cold ice cream she was eating began to cause her to shiver. George must've noticed because he was quick to offer up his jacket and after some debating Dahlia finally agreed. It didn't make her feel bad that she was taking his jacket because he was wearing a hoodie underneath it so she hoped he wouldn't get cold. Dahlia slipped the jacket on and gave George a quick hug before hearing the sound of a camera go off. She looked up at Sapnap who smiled innocently as he slipped his phone back into his pocket, "you dickhead" she laughed slightly as they began to all walk back home again.

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