~chapter five~

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dahlia. - Road trip? @georgenotfound


dreamwastaken- i like the caption
^dahlia.-thank you              

user1- wait, are her and George together??

georgenotfound- where to??                                                                                                                         ^dahlia.- maybe i could answer that if you would tell me

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*call between Dahlia and George*

Dahlia was currently in her room sitting in bed with her phone laid next to her as she talked to her friend "so two weeks ago you said that I could see your face soon, and I have something planned that would make me need to see your face" George told the girl making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion "what do you have planned" she asked as a smile grew across her face and she was once again thankful that he couldn't see her. "It's a surprise but I can cancel it if you aren't ready for me to see you" he told her with a comforting tone making sure she knew she didn't have to meet him if she wasn't ready, "well I mean you're going to see me eventually and I can't pass up a once in a lifetime opportunity to get a surprise from the one and only Georgenotfound" Dahlia joked making George laugh.

"Okay well all I'm going to tell you is that you need to pack a bag that will last you Friday, Saturday, and Sunday" he told her and Dahlia immediately got out of bed walking over to her closet leaving her phone on her bed where she could just barely hear him talking "Dahlia, Dahlia are you still there" she heard George faintly ask as she folded a pair of jeans and sat them in her bag.

She walked back over to her bed grabbing her phone and setting it on her dresser and going back to packing "sorry I got up and forgot I wouldn't be able to hear you" she laughed and George continued what he was saying "the weather will be the same as here since we won't be leaving to anywhere too far away". Dahlia continued packing before she realized something "wait if I'm packing for friday and that's tomorrow then are we leaving tomorrow" she asked pausing what she was doing and waiting for him to answer "yea we're leaving tomorrow morning at like ten and we'll probably get there around one o'clock", "so I have to be in a car with you for like three hours, I'm not sure I want the surprise anymore".

*real life; third person pov*

Dahlia woke up the next morning a little bit later than she had planned but she still had time to get ready. She put on a pair of jeans and a random sweatshirt that she grabbed out of her closet as she packed last minute things like her phone charger and her hair brush. After a while she got a text from George asking for her address so he could come pick her up, she quickly texted it to him before setting her phone down and finished getting all of her things together. Dahlia was putting her toothbrush into her bag when she heard a knock at her door.

She nervously walked over taking a deep breath before opening it to see George standing there "hey" she yelled happily as she pulled her friend into a hug. She pulled away still holding him by the shoulders once she realized he still hadn't said anything "George you there" she joked making him shake his head almost like he was waking himself up. "Uh yeah sorry it's just weird seeing you" he laughed making Dahlia blush slightly "well let me grab my bag and we can get going, you can come in if you want" she told him before walking down the hall to her bedroom.

When she got back she saw George standing leaned against the counter scrolling through his phone "you ready" he asked once he realized that she had walked back out "yes, let's go". The two walked out and down to his car and George took Dahlia's bag putting into the back of the car while she got in "so when will i get to know where we're going" she asked as George pulled onto the road "when we get there, telling you now would ruin the surprise" he told her as he turned on the radio letting whatever music was on play in the background of their conversation. "Can you give me a hint" Dahlia begged, making him shake his head "nope I can't" he laughed and Dahlia let out an exaggerated sigh "fine".

"Alright we're here" George said as he pulled into the driveway of a random house making Dahlia look at him confused "I will explain soon I promise but for now let's bring our stuff inside" he told the girl as he got out out of the car, Dahlia following and doing the same. George handed Dahlia her bag before walking up to the front door and lifting up the doormat and taking out a key that was under it. "So where are we exactly" Dahlia asked as she sat down on the couch in the living room "not too far from home, but I figured it would be fun to go on a little trip," George said and the girl looked at him happily but confused nonetheless. "What's the occasion" Dahlia asked furrowing her eyebrows in a playful manner "well after everything that has happened the past few weeks I thought maybe you would like to get away and who better to take a trip with than me" George said cockily making Dahlia shake her head "you're getting too confident" she told him "there's no such thing".

The two friends spent the rest of the day watching movies since they weren't sure what they wanted to do with the half day that they had. George ended up ordering dinner and despite Dahlia's arguments he also paid for it. Dahlia only agreed because he said that she could buy him something when they went out but George had tricked her there because this get away was, as he had planned, just going to be them hanging out at a house he had rented for a few days. It wasn't much but he hoped she would appreciate it and he just wanted to get to know her better.

Word count; 1068

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