~chapter twenty: the end~

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dahlia. So uhm...

georgenotfound hey! That's me
^dahlia. wait yeah it is, hm that's weird

sapnap i think we all saw this coming
^dahlia. am I really that predictable??
^georgenotfound yes.

dreamwastaken why did you steal him from me?? :(
^dahlia. do you want him back??
^dreamwastaken yes please

 do you want him back??^dreamwastaken yes please

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georgenotfound sooo...

dahlia. hmm who is that??
^georgenotfound not sure if i'm honest

user1 so are they dating or???
^user2 I hope, they would be super cute!!
Liked by dahlia., georgenotfound and 6,851 others

sapnap stop stealing my friends from me
^georgenotfound my bad, you can have her
^dahlia. wtf??

dreamwastaken oh so you're replacing me??
^dahlia. Yes he is, now stfu :]
^dreamwastaken bitch

*real life; third person pov*

Dahlia and George were currently sitting in Dahlia's room contemplating whether or not they should stream together. The couple had been together for two months now and had announced it publicly a few hours ago. They figured streaming and doing a qna might be a good idea so that their fans could see more of their relationship and the two hadn't put out content in a while. "I think it could be fun, and it would give us a chance to talk about us to all of them. I mean we didn't exactly confirm it with the posts, just merely hinted at it" George told his girlfriend as she sat next to him, his hand in hers as she ran her fingers over the lines in his palm. She did this a lot when she was stressed or when the two were cuddled together, making conversation and she needed something to keep herself busy. George enjoyed the way she concentrated whenever she did this so he just let her, not to mention the fact that it did feel quite nice.

"I guess yeah. I mean I kind of like the way we  did it though. It's funny to watch them freak out" Dahlia told George looking up to see him watching her, she smiled before returning her eyes back to his hand. "It is quite funny but it would be even funnier to see how they respond when we actually tell them" George encouraged hoping that she would agree. Dahlia sighed, not an annoyed sight or one you make out of defeat but one you make when you come to terms with a decision. "I think we should do it" she told her boyfriend, who excitedly pulled her into a hug giving her a kiss on the top of her head. "They're going to freak out" he told the girl excitedly and she laughed at the childish behavior of her boyfriend.

"I think we should tell them last, like answer all the other questions and avoid the ones about dating until the end just to keep them on their toes" Dahlia suggested as he stream displayed the 'starting soon' screen and she waited until she had a few people there. She had titled the stream "qna with gnf" thinking it was funny how his name and what they were doing had the same amount of letters. "I like that idea" George agreed as he pulled his chair cloe=ser to hers so they were only inches apart. "well when you sit that close there's no point in answering the dating questions" Dahlia told him with a laugh before switching her stream to display her camera and began the qna.

"Okay chat, I think it's about time we answer the question you guys have been waiting for" Dahlia announced looking over to George to see him smiling brighter than ever, he was very excited for this announcement. Dahlia laughed as she read through chat seeing all the excited messages and her heartbeat grew quicker. George noticed and grabbed her hand under the desk so the camera couldn't see and began to talk to the stream. "So chat, we have a fun thing to tell you guys" he informed them of the obvious, just stalling until either Dahlia said it or gave him the okay to say it. "You can tell if you want" Dahlia told him and he took that as her being too nervous to announce it. "Okay guys well, me and Dahlia are dating" George told them seeing the chat spam with different comments like "i knew it" or "for how long" and he decided to answer "we've been dating for two months now" he informed looking over to Dahlia to see her smiling at him. They were happy together now, even if it did take time.

[ edit; this story hit 200+ reads like a couple hours after i posted the last chapter and that's absolutely insane thank you all so so much this is actually crazy!!! (information on my next book will be posted hopefully soon) <3 ]

[ edit pt. 2; OKAY WTF YOU GUYS OMG this hit 300 views already??? this is beyond what I ever imagined achieving and you guys are absolutely crazy I appreciate this so so so much!! <3 ]

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