~chapter seventeen~

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dahlia. In my outside arc?? Might touch grass idk tho

sapnap pls do
^dahlia. rude

user1 your outfit is so cute!!
^dahlia. ty ty! <3

dreamwastaken i took this btw, that's why it's the only good photo she's ever posted :)
^dahlia. lies, i make banger posts all the time
^sapnap very debatable Dahlia
^dahlia. wtf SaPnAp

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*real life; third person pov*

It was currently about 2:45 pm and Dahlia was looking for something to watch on tv. Clay and Sapnap were both sitting in the living room with her but Clay seemed unreasonably attached to his phone and Sapnap seemed weirdly nervous, so no one was really speaking. Dahlia sighed, turning the tv off and getting up to go get her phone from her room but was quickly stopped by Clay yelling after her "wait. Where are you going" he asked nervously, looking at Sapnap. Dahlia furrowed her eyebrows at the boy before responding "to get my phone, there was nothing good on tv, you can look if you want though" she explained before turning back around and leaving the now awkward room.

As she was walking back she hid around a corner when she heard Sapnap talking about her, "dude you'll give it away if you ask her questions like that, chill out and don't be so nervous" he whisper-yelled at his friend and Clay just sighed "well he said he wanted this to be perfect and I can't let something go wrong. I know you're her best friend and all but he really didn't mean to hurt her like he did" Clay explained and Dahlia suddenly felt guilty for listening in.

She waited down the hall where she couldn't hear for a few moments before walking back to the room where the conversation appeared to have ended. "So what do you guys want to do today" she asked her friends as she sat between them on the couch "uhm well I was thinking we could just stay here and maybe go to dinner later" Clay suggested and Dahlia nodded in agreement turning to Sapnap for his opinion and getting and silent nod in response. The three sat on the couch for a while just on their phones when Clay suddenly jumped off the couch sending a look Sapnap's way and walking out of the room towards the front door. Dahlia looked at her friend and was even more confused when she saw he had a smirk on his face.

She ignored the situation and went back to her phone when she felt Sapnap cover her eyes with his hands "don't peak Dahl, we have a surprise" he told her and she let out a soft laugh "ok ok I won't peak". The girl was beyond confused and she would be lying if she said this surprise seemed at all organized. After a couple seconds she could tell someone walked into the room and she assumed Clay had come back, possibly with her surprise. "When the fuck are you gonna move your hands" Dahlia asked receiving three different laughs. "Wait" she whispered more to herself than anyone as she lifted her hand to remove Sapnap's hands from her eyes "no fucking way" she said again as her eyes met a familiar pair that was standing across the room. She immediately jumped up, running over to hug him which surprised everyone in the room, even her.

He took a few seconds to hug back before wrapping his arms around her waist while hers were around his neck. She was smiling wider than ever and he could tell even though her face wasn't visible. "It's nice to see you" he whispered into her ear before pulling away from the hug to see her cheeks flushed red, he let out a small laugh before looking over to his friends who stood there not quite sure what to do. Dahlia soon realized this also and Invited George up to her room she was staying in so that they could talk more privately. Once they arrived they sort of sat next to each other for a few awkward seconds before George spoke. "Okay so I just want to start by saying, I probably won't word this correctly at some points and I don't want this to seem like I'm making excuses or anything but uhm yeah".

He sighed before continuing, "so basically, first off, I want you to know that I still love you so much and that if something can still happen with us I would love that. But when you came over and told me how you felt the reason I was sort of, closed off I guess, is because I convinced myself that you didn't feel the same and that I needed to do whatever it took to move on so that you could be happy without me being in pain. I told myself every  day that you deserved anyone but me and I needed to respect that and leave you alone. So, that's when I met a girl. I want you to know that we only talked for a couple days, three i think. I took her one one date which I cut short so I could come here to see you and the whole time I was with her everything was reminding me of you and I just couldn't get you off my mind" George started to rant but was cut off by Dahlia laughing. "Wait what's funny I'm confused" George asked and Dahlia shook her head, "no I'm sorry, you're just cute when you ramble like that" she explained making George's face flush a shade of pink "oh- well uhm, what do you think" he asked referring the previous "rambling" she was talking about.

"Oh yes, well uhm, I want you to know that I have absolutely no clue why you would find it necessary to think I deserve any better than you because in my eyes you're as good as it gets." she began to explain and George looked down, flustered by the kind words. Dahlia grabbed his hand in hers as she continued talking, "I also feel like the whole situation with the other girl is really no problem to me because we were never technically together. I will admit that it stung a lot to see you brush me off for some other girl that you talked to for only a few days but now seeing your side I guess I have more of an understanding on why you did what you did". Dahlia knew that in some situations she could be too forgiving and she could only hope this wasn't one of those times, but something inside of her told her that he was worth trusting again.

Word count; 1138

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