~chapter fourteen~

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*real life third person pov*

I sat there in the restaurant listening to Claire tell me about herself, this whole situation is just so awful. I wish I wasn't here. I just want to be with Dahlia, holding here, telling her I didn't mean any of it and that I want here and only her. "I have to go," I said out of nowhere, surprising not only the girl across from me but also myself, "what do you mean?" she asked, confused and also standing. "I'll order you an uber but I need to go, I have something to do" George told her as he put money on the table and pulled out his phone calling a car for her. He felt like a complete asshole just leaving her here like this but he needed to go see Dahlia and being here with Claire made him feel sick inside. He hated being on a date with another girl while the only thing he could think about was Dahlia.

"So you're ditching me" Claire asked as the two stood outside the restaurant waiting for her car to get here, George may be completely ditching the girl but the least he could do was wait for the uber with her. "I'm sorry Claire, you're a really nice girl but I just have my eye on someone else. I promise I wouldn't have asked you out on a date if I knew I had feelings for her but I just didn't realize I still did" George explained trying to be as honest and sympathetic as possible, "it's that Dahlia girl isn't it" she asked with a loud scoff, "it's Dahlia and yeah, i'm really sorry Claire". The girl laughed once more as the car pulled in and she turned to the boy as she opened the car door, "I hope that you guys work it out, and don't feel bad".

George ran to his car as soon as the uber pulled out of the parking lot, he had no clue what he was going to say to the girl but he knew that he needed to see her and hold her, he needed to clear the air between the two and tell her everything he had been thinking. He texted Sapnap as he drove knowing that he must know about the situation by now. As George was pulling out onto the road he received a call from his friend.

*call between George and Sapnap*

"TURN YOUR FUCKING CAR AROUND NOW" Sapnap yelled as soon as the call connected making George jump "why the hell are you yelling" the boy asked as he did what Sapnap had told him "GO TO THE AIRPORT NOW, SHE IS BOARDING A FLIGHT TO FLORIDA" Sapnap yelled once more and George's eyes went wide. He pressed his foot down onto the gas speeding up his car as he headed to the airport "why the fuck is she going to Florida" he asked his friend as he threw his phone into the chair next to him so he could focus on driving. "She is coming to stay with Clay and I for like a week and a half because she said you like, made her all sad and she couldn't stop thinking about you, she said that everything reminded her of you" Sapnap explained, sounding angry and to be honest he had every right to be.

Even if Dahlia wouldn't admit it I know I hurt her, and he had the right to be angry because she was his best friend. Those two were inseparable and it was obvious that Sapnap cared about her, he had a soft spot for her and if he knew how obvious it was he would be furious. "Sap I'm here, what do I say" I asked picking up my phone "I DON'T KNOW BUT GET OUT OF THE CAR, SHE IS BOARDING IN LIKE TEN MINUTES YOU DUMB SHIT GO GET HER" Sapnap screamed at the boy as he sat there with his hands trembling "ok ok calm down".

*real life; george pov*

I quickly said goodbye to Sapnap as I walked, more like ran, into the airport. There was no way I was missing her. I walked in and made my way through the airport (a/n; I'm not sure if you can get through without a ticket but in the story act like you can). I looked up at the board that displayed all the gates and flights scanning until I found hers, and read "boarding now". I ran as fast as I could through the airport in the direction that I hoped would lead me to the gate and when I got there I saw her handing her ticket to the lady and walking into the plane. I ran over to her but by the time I got there she was gone, but I couldn't stop there.

Word count; 816

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