~chapter twelve; pt. 2~

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*facetime between sapnap and dahlia; dahlia pov*

"Sap, do you think he still loves me" I asked my friend as I laid on my bed with my phone beside me, I heard him sigh on the other end of the phone before he spoke. "Dahl, I think he still has feelings for you but I think that the longer you guys don't talk the more his feelings are going to disappear, you aren't giving him what he needs in return so he's looking for it in other people and you need make sure he knows that you're still there for him" Sapnap explained in a calm tone that could always make me come to my senses, "wait you mean that Claire girl he was talking about last night" I asked referring to what he had told me last. "Well yeah, I mean he's obviously trying to replace you and I know that sounds bad but with what he has told me I don't think he's going to be too successful" Sapnap laughed but I was still confused "wait he's told you about Claire" I asked "no no no, I mean from what he's told me about how he feels about you". That made me realize something, as that sentence made butterfly erupt in my stomach I sat up in my bed "Sap, I'm ready" I told my friend but he just sat in a confused silence "I'm ready to tell him how I feel" I elaborated and the boy immediately erupted in cheers "then go, you got this Dahl".

*real life; dahlia pov*

As I hung up the call and walked out of my apartment grabbing my keys on the way out I thought about what I was supposed to say. How do I tell him that I'm ready for a relationship because I think that he's starting one with another girl. I mean if you really think about it the reason I'm doing this is highly motivated by the fact that he's met another girl. George and I were going through a rough patch and I can admit that was mostly my fault but without communication how was I supposed to know how he was feeling. I know that's a bit hypocritical since I was doing other things and not speaking to him as well but we both just need to work on communication.

I sighed to myself as I pulled my car up to his apartment building, "you got this Dahlia, he likes you, we know that. There's no reason to be worried" I told myself as I got out of my car and looked up at the building "we got this". I walked up to his apartment trying my best to keep my hands from shaking or at least trying to make it less noticeable. I knocked on his door and let my hands fall to my sides as the door opened to reveal George standing there, I smiled at him and he pulled me into a hug. All of my nerves calmed as soon as I felt his touch.

"Dahlia what are you doing here" he asked me and I took a deep breath before replying, "George, I miss you and I miss us, we aren't like we used to be. I'm ready for this, I took my time and I'm ready for whatever comes my way as long as I have you with me. George, I love you". I watched as his eyes widened and he let his hands slip off my shoulders and go to pull at his hair as he thought. He was conflicted and I could tell, I was just unsure what about. "Dahlia, you- you don't mean that" the boy told me as he walked away but I quickly followed him through to his living room. "George, of course I meant it, don't you want me to mean it" I asked, my voice slightly breaking as tears pecked at my eyes, "Dahlia of course I want you to mean it. I want that more than anything but you just can't you can't mean that". I looked at him confusedly as he shook his head taking in a large sigh before continuing, "I grew impatient Dahlia, you had so much going on and I would never blame you for that ever but we stopped being us and I figured that stood as a sign that we weren't us anymore. I found someone Dahlia and I can't do this. I was finally getting over you and this is all just confusing things".

I must've heard him wrong, he promised me. He told me he would wait, he said that no matter how long I needed that he would always wait for me but instead he just went and found someone new? "Y-you found someone" he nodded, "you said you would wait for me George, you promised me that you would wait, you said to take as much time as I needed because you would always be there". At this point I was more just repeating the conversation in my head, trying to find a loophole that he took. Maybe he had said that he would try to wait, and that's why he didn't, because he tried but he couldn't. But I remembered every word of that conversation, I remember what he told me and he told me he would wait, but can I really blame him for not waiting? "Dahlia, I still love you but I just I don't know if I can play this waiting game any longer, I have a date I need to get to" George said almost as if that was all it took for me to leave, so I took it like that. "Goodbye George" I told the boy with a smile as I walked out of his apartment and to the elevator. I wanted nothing more than to turn around and yell at him, I was angry but I knew that he had every right to move on but I just wished that he didn't.

Word count; 1008

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