~chapter three~

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dahlia. - Happy one year anniversary @preston.lee!! <3


georgenotfound- wait you have a boyfriend??

^preston.lee- yeah she does, who are you

user1- omg you guys are so cute!!!

user2- cutest couple ever

sapnap- congrats Dahl!

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*real life; third person pov*

About a month ago was the first time that Dahlia and George called and since then they have talked everyday. George has become one of Dahlia's closest friends and she has even been thinking about showing him her face soon.

Today was Dahlia and her boyfriend Preston's one year anniversary and Dahlia has spent almost three weeks planning what she wanted to do. She decided to stream earlier than normal (which she has already done) and then she spent the rest of the day planning a nice at home dinner in her apartment. Dahlia went out and bought groceries to make his favorite meal and bought a new table cloth and some candles for the dining room table. Right now Dahlia is at the flower shop down the street from her apartment buying roses to put in a vase for dinner. Once she had them all picked out she walked back home and started making dinner. Dahlia was playing music through her speaker when it paused meaning that someone was calling her. She quickly wiped off her hands and picked up the facetime call from her boyfriend.

*facetime between Dahlia and Preston*

Dahlia set the phone down on the counter propped up so that he could see her as she went to wash her hands "hey babe what's up" she asked as she wiped her hands on a towel turning to her phone to see him sitting on his end of the phone looking next to him laughing at something "who's there". "No one and uhm I can't come over tonight, I got lots of stuff to do for work and I just can't make it. Maybe we can do dinner tomorrow" he told her in a seemingly rushed tone and Dahlia frowned as she looked around the fully decorated room. "Are you sure you can't come over for even just an hour?" she asked looking down at her hands "I'm sorry Dahlia but I can't and I need to go, I'll talk to you tomorrow". Dahlia looked up at her phone saying a quick I love you but instead of responding he just hung up the phone.

*real life; third person pov*

Dahlia let tears slide down her face as she untied her apron turning to the stove and turning it off. She sat the apron on the counter grabbing her phone and going to her room falling forward onto her bed. She let herself cry for hours before falling asleep only to wake up later that night at only nine pm. Dahlia looked at her phone and decided to text Sapnap since he would know what to say.

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