~chapter ten~

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georgenotfound- cooking stream tonight

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georgenotfound- cooking stream tonight. be there.


dreamwastaken- oooo what are we making mr chef??
^georgenotfound- when i say i have no idea i'm not lying

dahlia.- wow and no invite?? rude.
^georgenotfound- haha my bad, i guess you can come
^dahlia.- nope. I don't want to.
^sapnap- petty??
^dahlia.- stfu

user1- if he dresses like a chef i may die
^georgenotfound- r.i.p. then i guess

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*real life; George's pov*

I squinted my eyes closed as I sat up in my bed, pulling the comforter off my legs immediately regretting it as the cold air touched my skin. I shivered slightly and got out of bed walking over to my closet to grab a shirt and a random pair of sweatpants. I walked to my bathroom and turned on the shower , getting in and smiling softly at the sudden warmth that now took over my body.

Today I had some last minute plans for a long awaited stream I would be doing tonight. I had to go grocery shopping for basic things and also random ingredients that would hopefully make up something that I could eat for dinner tonight. Dahlia and I have been talking a little less because she has had some important stuff for work going on recently, I've missed talking to her but based on the comments on my post maybe she'll be coming to stream with me.

I walked  out into my apartment grabbing my jacket and my keys, heading outside to my car and to the grocery store. I got out of my car and opened my phone to the notes app to look at the grocery list I  had made. I decided that I would make a pasta dish that I found on the internet since it seemed simple enough to make. I walked in and headed to the isle where they would have the noodles I needed, I stood in the middle of the isle trying to decide which one I thought would be best for what I was making but I couldn't seem to decide. I mean they all taste the same so it's really just different shapes, right? I sighed to myself as I grabbed a random one I saw and started walking down the aisle again.

I crossed the item off my list and headed to get the sauce. I was walking all across the store and couldn't seem to find the correct aisle I was looking for. I was currently in an aisle where they had bread and other things of that sort, my confusion must have shown because as I looked around the aisle I heard a small voice next to me "hello sir, can I help you find something?" the girl asked. She had beautiful blonde hair that was pulled back into a low ponytail on the back of her head. She was wearing black jeans and a white shirt with a badge that had her name on it, Claire, that's a pretty name. I was drawn out of my daze as I heard her laugh "uhm, can I help you find anything" she asked again and I shook my head to snap myself back, I yelled at myself in my head as I replied to the girl. "Oh uh yes uh  actually, where could I find the pasta sauce" I stammered trying my best to keep my composer, why was she making me so flustered from simply asking if I needed assistance.

I shouldn't be thinking like this, I have Dahlia and she's more than I could want but since that night when we went to watch the stars things have been different. Nothing even semi-romantic has happened between us besides that occasional on stream flirting but once the stream was off she was too busy to speak with me. I shook away the thoughts as the woman in front of me smiled brightly "here let me bring you there..." she said, leaving the end of he sentence almost as a fill in the blank for me to say my name "George, I'm George" I told her as she walked me across the store while she made the occasional small talk like asking me about how my day was. "Well it was nice to meet you George, do you think I could possibly get your number" the girl hesitantly asked as we arrived at the aisle. I'll admit I was hesitant, Dahlia was amazing but there was nothing to keep me from believing the girls feelings for me had faded so I took the chance "sure".

*time skip; next morning (George pov still)*

Last night Claire texted me around the time I was ending the stream so we spent most of the night talking. She seems like a really good friend and I'm sure that's all it will be. I had no plans today so I would just be cleaning up my kitchen from the stream last night. It was around noon and I was walking around my kitchen cleaning when I heard a knock on my door. I walked over and opened it to see Dahlia standing there smiling. "Hey George" the girl exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug which I gladly reciprocated "hay Dahlia, how have you been" I asked as I moved aside to let her in and walked back to the kitchen with her trailing behind me. "Well I've been really busy with work recently since I've been planning on hopefully making some sort of merch soon but other than that not much but I've missed you a lot" Dahlia gushed as she looked at me from across the kitchen. Why was I doing this to myself, Dahlia was perfect for me, in literally every way. But this voice inside me kept telling me she was leaving and that those feelings were fading and that she was slipping through my fingers right in front of my eyes. It was like what I told Sapnap, she seemed so perfect that you would hold her and never let go in fear that she would leave. But it seemed like I let my hands slip off of her for a split second and now she's gone, for good.

Word count; 1045

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