~chapter seven~

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dahlia. - Streaming tonight, be there. (George will be there too he wants to make sure you know that)


georgenotfound- i just want to make sure you get the views Dahlia
^dahlia.- stfu

dreamwastaken-  i wanna play
^dahlia.- rejected
^dreamwastaken- that's a bit rude
^dahlia.- not at all

user1- why does she always have to post abt George she's definitely using him
^georgenotfound- i literally told her to mention me

sapnap- i think you should let me and Dream join
^dahlia.- i'll let you in, don't tell Dream tho, he's not allowed
^dreamwastaken- what the fuck

See more comments...

*real life; third person pov*

Dahlia  sat down at her desk opening up discord and calling George. He answered almost immediately and she  smiled to herself as he began talking, "So is Sapnap actually going to stream with us?" he asked, referring to the comments Nick left on her post "I'm not sure if he was joking. I can ask him" She said as she took out her phone and texted him. "He said he would like to but if we have specific  plans he's alright" Dahlia told the boy and he hummed softly as a response "so should I tell him to join" she asked and George thought for a second "i mean you can, we were just gonna be messing around so it's not a huge difference if he's here plus it might be more entertaining for viewers" George told her sounding almost like he was disappointed that his friend would be streaming with them but ultimately he seemed somewhat okay with it. After a while Sapnap joined the call and they all got on minecraft and started their streams. They were just messing around doing whatever when Sapnap said something, "hey Dahlia, someone in my chat asked if Dream isn't here  because you were mean to him on instagram today" he asked laughing and Dahlia couldn't help but laugh too. "Do people really think I was actually being serious, I was never actually telling him he couldn't join" she told the streams that were listening and Sapnap started laughing again "Dream was busy today anyways, he was joking about wanting to join". Dahlia laughed as she turned to her chat and saw that Dream had commented "yes I am mad, extremely to say the least".

"Alright guys, I'm gonna go, I'll still be watching your stream for a while Dahl but I'm getting tired" Sapnap said with a yawn after they had been playing for probably around an hour and a half "good night sapnap I'll talk to you tomorrow" she said, laughing at the fact that they hadn't been streaming very long. Once he left the vc George sparked up some random conversation that involved jokes and laughing but Dahlia wasn't sure why she found herself laughing at everything he said.

"C'mon George tell me you love me" Dahlia joked making George burst out in embarrassed laughter  "pleaseee" she pushed again and George sighed and he sort of went serious. "Fine, I..I love you Dahlia" he said and the call went quiet for a couple of seconds, Dahlia liked the way that sounded but she wouldn't say that "everyone clip that, i want to see that everywhere, make sure you clip that" Dahlia laughed out and George was still silent "you ok George" she asked after a minute and he quickly replied changing the subject and continued the mining he had been doing.

*call between Sapnap and Dahlia*

Dahlia had ended her stream a couple hours ago and she was now eating lunch while on the phone with Sapnap who couldn't sleep so he was just sitting at his desk currently doing something on the SMP off stream. "Do you know why George got all weird on stream today" Dahlia asked as she took a bite out of her sandwich, Sapnap nodded and turned to look at his phone "you mean when you made him say he loves you, and then you yelled clip that" Sapnap asked almost as if it were obvious and Dahlia felt a knife stab through her chest "I mean, I didn't think of it like that, I figured since we were saying just as friends it didn't really matter, well not that it didn't matter but that it wouldn't be a huge deal" she rambled on and Sapnap laughed "You should talk to him about this not me".

Dahlia thought for a second "maybe I will" she told him as she got up from her spot at the counter and walked to her door "wait Dahl what are you doing" Sapnap asked from her phone that was in her hand as she walked out the door and down to her car. "I'm doing what you said I should" she told him plainly as she climbed into her car "I didn't mean now" he yelled and Dahlia laughed. Dahlia knew George's address since they have hung out a lot since they got back from their trip around a month ago so she decided if she wanted to talk to him about this now then why not do it in person.

"Are you sure you want to do this, you might not like what you hear" Sapnap told Dahlia as she pulled up outside of George's apartment building "I think I'm ready Sap, what's the worst that could happen, he tells me he's in love with me" Dahlia told her friend, laughing as she tried her best to think of the most awkward situation in her head in hopes it would make what was about to happen less awkward. "I'll call you later when I get home Sap, love you" Dahlia said as she hung up the phone and sighed as she got out of the car, how bad could this really be.

Word count; 991

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