~chapter four~

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dahlia. - Better off without you :)


user1- wait what happened??


dreamwastaken- YES LOOK AT HER GO
^ dahlia.- YES LOOK AT ME GO

georgenotfound- POGGERS

karljacobs_-  POPPING OFF

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*facetime between Sapnap and Dahlia*

Dahlia woke up the next morning to her phone ringing and she looked at it to see Sapnap was calling her, she quickly answered only for him to be yelling at him computer making Dahlia wince at the sudden noise "what the fuck dude" she complained making Sapnap turn to look at the phone "it's like two pm for you why are you still asleep". Dahlia looked at him with wide eyes and Sapnap laughed at her "how the fuck is it two pm?" she asked getting out of bed and walking to her setup that was across the room from her quickly turning it on and going to twitch.  "Are you streaming right now" she asked the boy on the other end of the call and he shook his head "no I'm just messing around with Dream and George" he told her and she nodded "okay well I need someone to play minecraft with me" she said and gave him puppy dog eyes making him shake his head "only if they can join to". Dahlia quickly agreed saying many thanks as she went to join the vc and start her stream. 

*real life; third person pov*

"Okay guys thank you so much for watching I'm sorry it was so short and not very interesting" Dahlia laughed as she said goodbye to her chat and ended her stream "thank you guys for letting me play so last minute, I didn't anticipate waking up so late" she told the boys that were in the vc with her and they all said a mix of answers. "Okay well I have to get going. I'll talk to you guys later".

Tonight was the night that Preston had rescheduled their anniversary dinner and Dahlia was as excited as ever. They were eating at his house and Dahlia was told to leave around four pm which was in one hour. Dahlia dressed casual but not too casual and decided on doing light makeup. Dahlia grabbed a jacket and went outside to her car and made the drive to her boyfriend's house excited to see him for the first time in a while.

When she arrived there was a random car in the driveway but she shook it off assuming that maybe he had gotten a new car and forgotten to tell her. Dahlia walked up to the door knocking and waiting for a few minutes before Preston opened the door looking shocked to see her "Dahlia, what are you doing here" he asked looking back in his house down the hall "our dinner is tonight, you didn't forget did you" she asked looking a little disappointed "oh yes uh no i did not forget but i need you to give me a couple minutes" he said looking at Dahlia nervously and she was starting to get suspicious. "who's at the door" a voice from inside the house asked and Dahlia went wide eyed as she looked from her boyfriend to inside the house "who's that" she asked almost laughing at how dumb that question was "it's my uhm just it's no one Dahlia" Preston stuttered and Dahlia shook her head. "Yeah we're done" she told him as she turned around walking back to her car. As she pulled out of the driveway part of her was hurt that he didn't even try and defend himself or convince her that it was his mom or something but what she didn't understand was why it hurt so much. She knew he didn't treat her like she deserved to be treated so why was the thought of losing him so painful.

Dahlia shook of all the bad feelings as she pulled into the parking lot for her apartment and into her room joining a vc on discord which had Sapnap and George in it and she assumed they were waiting for Clay since they all had a plan to stream tonight "what's up bitches, guess who just broke up with her cheating ass boyfriend" Dahlia yelled as she got into the vc making Sapnap burst out in laughter "no offence but I told you so, I always hated that guy" he told her and Dahlia nodded even though the two couldn't see her "I should've listened I guess" Dahlia laughed "what's new you never listen to me" the boy responded, he really did always know how to cheer her up.

Dahlia decided to play minecraft with them on their streams for the night since she didn't have anything to do now that she wouldn't be having the dinner she planned for. After the stream she got a text from George asking to call and she quickly agreed leaving the chat to call him.

*call between Dahlia and George*

"Heyy" the girl said in a happy tone as George answered the call "you sound happy" he told her in a questioning tone making her laugh. "What's there not to be happy about" she asked and she heard George let out a soft laugh "I'm not sure", "exactly".

After the two talked for a while they were sitting in a comfortable silence as Dahlia scrolled through twitter on her computer and George was doing something that Dahlia wasn't sure of. The silence was broken as she heard George speak up from his end of the phone and Dahlia could tell he was nervous "hey uh I have a question" "what's up" she asked back stopping her scroll on her computer turning to her phone even though he couldn't tell she was as focused as she was she thought he might be able to tell somehow. "Why haven't i seen your face yet" he asked finally and Dahlia thought about it herself to before thinking of a simple response "you just have to have patience, soon i promise" she told him and she could hear a small laugh escape from him "as long as you promise then i guess it's okay".

Word count; 1062

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