~chapter thirteen~

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dahlia. last minute travels anyone??


sapnap ohhh where are you going??
^dahlia. hm not sure

dreamwastaken are you excited to see me??
^dahlia. just now realizing that visiting Sap means I have to see you, I regret getting on this plane
^dreamwastaken oh c'mon

user1 wait she's going to sapnap and dream?? What if george is going too
^dahlia. he's not :]
^user1 aww that sucks

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*real life; third person pov*

Dahlia went home that night knowing that the boy she loved was on a date with another woman but little did she know, George couldn't have cared less about that woman he was on a date with. No matter what topic was brought up or what item was mentioned off of the menu there was always a way for him to draw it back to Dahlia and he smiled whenever he did. He smiled thinking about how excited she got whenever a topic she enjoyed was mentioned, he smiled at the thought of how beautiful her laugh is, her laugh was like a song to him. It was like when you find a new song you love and you play it on repeat for hours and it gets stuck in your head but you can't even be mad about it because you love it so much. He realized that he had made a grave mistake but was it too late to fix it?

Dahlia refrained from answering or even looking at her phone for a while that night, she figured that if she didn't have to look at the messages of Sapnap asking her how it went then maybe she wouldn't have to think about it but in all actuality it just gave her more room with her thoughts. It gave her more space to realize that she needed to leave the place that reminded her of the boy. She didn't need to leave forever but a week or two wouldn't hurt. Sapnap had agreed that if Dahlia wanted to she was more than welcome to come stay with him and Clay and since she hadn't seen her friend in a while she of course agreed to the offer.

She had just finished packing her bags when she texted Sapnap that she would be leaving for the airport soon. This was all so last minute and they managed to find a cheap flight but that was around an hour and a half ago and now her flight leaves in about two hours. Dahlia put her bags into the back of the uber as she received a text back from Sapnap telling her to be safe and that he and Clay were excited to see her. She smiled at the message as she got into the car.

Once they arrived she paid the driver and got out her luggage, heading into the airport and through security. Dahlia always hated airports, they were so crowded and loud and she hated loud noises. Once she arrived at her gate she picked a seat and waited for her plain to board. This trip was so rushed that Dahlia feared she would miss her flight but she was glad to see she was around ten minute early to her gate. She scrolled through twitter for a while, liking different tweets from fans. Many people were angry that Dahlia was seeing Clay and Sapnap without George and it sort of made her feel guilty, the boys were all three best friends and she couldn't help but feel like she was intruding on something between them.

Dahlia was snapped out of her thought as she heard her flight called, she smiled softly to herself rising from her spot and walking over to the gate. She was excited to see her best friend and even more excited to meet Clay for the first time. Dahlia had met Sapnap one other time when he came to Brighton around three months after they met. He had originally planned the trip to come see George which he did but only for around a day because George had to go out of town to see family or something. Dahlia didn't know much about George at that time because she had just met Sapnap and she just never got around to asking about his other friends.

*time skip- 18 hours (I googled it lol)*

After realizing just how long she would be spending on planes she was almost regretting the fact that she decided to visit the boys. She was tired despite all the sleep she had endured on the multiple flights that this trip took. She was the type of tired where keeping your eyes open seemed like a workout. If she sat still for too long her eyes would close and within seconds she would be out like a light. Dahlia sighed as she rubbed her eyes in hopes that that would wake her up in some sort of way, she looked out of the airplane window to see that they were landing and that seemed like it was all it took to wake her up. Her body was now jumping with excitement to see her friends and she had almost forgotten about the circumstances that got her into this trip in the first place.

Word count; 895

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