~chapter nineteen~

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dahlia. Been back home for a week days and george has already come to my house unannounced too many times

sapnap but if it's been two day's how has he come over three times???
^dahlia. anything is possible if you're friends with georgenotfound

georgenotfound fine. I'll stop coming over then
^dahlia. okay!!
^georgenotfound i'm reporting this for bullying

user1 she definitely likes george lmao
Liked by dahlia., georgenotfound, sapnap, dreamwastaken and 7,654 others
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*real life; third person pov*

"George we can't just sit on my couch all the time" Dahlia told him as his head rested in her lap and she ran her fingers through his hair, gently pulling at the knots that she found every once in a while. George had spent the night at Dahlia's apartment the past two nights and during the day's that they spent together they just sat on the couch watching movies that they didn't really care to pay attention to. They used the movies more as background noise to the random jokes and conversations that the two shared. Dahlia loved the way that the two were spending their time together but she wished that they were actually together. Even though they had spent the last week together and were practically dating at this point neither of them had asked the question that really sealed it. Dahlia, as well as George, didn't want the question to be asked in a big exaggerated manner. The two had silently and almost telepathically agreed that they were both far too socially awkward to want a whole grand romantic gesture.

"What are you thinking about" George asked looking up at Dahlia, his brown eyes searching her hazel colored ones for an answer as to what was distracting her. "Oh well uhm, I was just thinking that uh. I kind of want me and you to be official" Dahlia stuttered out as she waited for a response from George who had now sat up and was facing her with his full attention. "Well, I did want to make it a little more romantic than sitting in your living room watching a children's film, nothing against finding nemo though" he joked, making Dahlia laugh "it's a good movie". "Yes, but anyway. Dahlia will you be my girlfriend" George finally asked, taking Dahlia's hand from her lap and wrapping his around it. Dahlia wasn't sure what she expected him to say, she knew he was going to ask once she mentioned she wanted him to but it still took her by surprise. Her eyes flickered between her and George's intertwined hands back up to his face and then down to their hands again, she was shocked to say the least, speechless even.

The girl finally realized how panicked George looked, wondering what was taking her so long to answer, and quickly snapped back into reality. "Yes of course I will'' she said, wrapping her arms around his neck as he let out a sigh of relief. "For a minute there I thought I had misinterpreted what you meant because of how surprised you looked" George told the girl and she let out a laugh pulling away from the hug to look at him in the face "I can't believe we just started our relationship while watching finding nemo".

[ a/n this chapter is super short and very bad but the next chapter is most likely the last soooo yeah do with that information as you wish ]

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