~chapter eight~

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dahlia. - time.


georgenotfound- <3
^dahlia.- <3

sapnap- call me now
^dahlia.- fine :/

dreamwastaken- i feel like i haven't been informed on something
^dahlia.- that sounds like a you problem
^dreamwastaken- actually it's a you forgetting about me problem

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*real life; third person pov*

Dahlia sighed as she brought her hand up to knock on  the door  of George's apartment and the door opened only seconds later and Dahlia saw George standing there smiling at her. "What's up Dahlia" he asked as he let the girl into his apartment and they walked to the living room. "I just wanted to talk to you about something" she told him, sighing deeply, almost regretting coming here but it was too late to go back home now.

"What is it" he asked nervously, expecting her to possibly be mad but  he wasn't sure why she would be "on stream today, your mood just seemed off, and when I asked Sap about it he pointed something out to me that I guess I didn't realize" she explained and George nodded, recalling the situation. "Well me and you have never said we love each other, like as friends ya know, and well I made you say it to me for the first time on stream in front of thousands of people and I didn't say it back and just told people to clip it because in the moment I thought it was funny but it wasn't and I'm sorry"  Dahlia continued looking down at her hands as she spoke, afraid that George would be mad at her for what she had done, "Dahlia, it's okay. I'll admit it wasn't the best thing you could've done but I was overreacting" "but you weren't George, I was being a bitch and I shouldn't have done that".

George sat there in the silence for a second thinking that maybe the best thing he could do in this situation would be to tell her that the reason he was affected by it was that he liked her a lot. He sighed as he contemplated the situation and Dahlia noticed the distress immediately, "what's wrong" she asked. "Well uhm, it's nothing" that's a lie and they both knew it but only one of them knew what was actually wrong and he would do whatever it took to hide that from her. "C'mon George you can tell me" she pushed, wanting to do whatever she could to help her friend "Dahlia it's really nothing" he said in a calm voice hoping his tone would be convincing, it wasn't.

"George, I won't push you to tell me what's wrong but you don't have to lie about it" she comforted, putting a hand on his shoulder. George smiled to himself at the contact almost melting under her touch "Dahlia, I need to tell you something". She looked at George confused for a second before nodding at him to continue "you know that day when we went on the trip and we had a movie night" George asked looking up at the girl who was now nodding her head slightly. "I wanted nothing more than to lie down next to you on that couch and just sleep when I came back and saw you lying there. I wanted to wrap my arms around you and hold you and just sleep. I wanted to hold you and never let go because I was scared that you would leave but I couldn't because I lacked courage in that moment and you looked so pretty the way you slept and I just didn't have the confidence then and I don't know why I do now but I do" he rambled on leaving Dahlia sat there in silence racking her brain for some sort of logical response that she could use in this moment "George..." she started but was soon cut off by him speaking again. "I know, I know, it's too soon you've just got out of a relationship and you weren't expecting this and I understand that but I want you to know that i can wait for you Dahlia i promise you that" he said taking her hands into his squeezing them softly as he said the last few words. Dahlia smiled down at their interlocked hands not wanting the moment to end but also scared of what would happen once it did. "I need time George and from what you just said i expect that you know that so just give me a while to think and to be ready for a new relationship and if at that time we still feel this way we can see what happens" Dahlia smiled at George as he nodded making sure she knew that he understood what she was saying, "take as much time as you need Dahlia, I'll always be here"...

Word count; 833

Time *Georgenotfound*Where stories live. Discover now