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I walk up to the entrance of the school. I take a deep breath and smile, today is the first day of school. I am excited but nervous at the same time. I walk into the building and look at my schedule. Homeroom: 1-A. I walk for a couple of minutes before finding a door that has a sign to the side "1-A" It reads. I stand in front of the door for a moment, and quietly sigh before walking through the door.

I walk in to see a man who looks tired. A couple of other kids are there too. I see a girl with burgundy hair, a girl with blue skin, and a guy who seems to have a tail growing from his back. I walk over and sit next to the girl with blue skin. We all sit in silence for a couple of minutes before the bell rings, and students start pouring into the classroom. I continue looking down, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone.

The homeless looking man starts speaking

"I will now assign seats" he says.

He starts calling people's names and pointing directing to a desk, after about five students he calls my name

"Ikimono Fujiro" I look up and see him pointing to a desk in the back.

I walk quietly to the desk and sit down as he continues calling names.

"Shoto Todoroki." He states.

I hear footsteps and a boy sits at the desk right next to me.

We make eye contact for a moment before I look down. A couple of minutes later everyone is sitting in a seat. The man sits in the front of the room.

"My name is Shota Aizawa, I will be your teacher this year, understand?" He says, a half lidded glare looking out over the class.

we all say "Yes sir!" and that was the start to the first day at UA high.

While sensei is doing a lecture, I look over to the boy who is sitting next to me. He has half and half hair, with red on his left side and white on his other. On his left side though, he seems to have some type of burn mark. He has one blue and one grey eye. He turns his head right at me, I look away as fast as I can, embarrassed. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo. I look back at Mr Aizawa as he continues to teach. After a couple of minutes, he makes a announcement.

"We will go to the locker rooms for training, understood?" He instructs.

"Yes sir!" We all exclaim.

We are all in locker rooms changing into our training uniforms. Sensei told us that we were going to start training right away. While walking out, I bump into someone.

"Oh! I am so sorry!" the voice says.

It sounds like a girl in middle school who hasn't gone through puberty yet. I take a step back and see a girl with curly blue hair that covers her left purple eye, freckles the cover her cheeks and nose, she's pretty short for a highschooler.

"It's fine" I mumble, trying not to make eye contact.

"My name is Kaminoko Fukustu!" she says as she stretches out her hand for me to shake. I shake her hands.

"Ikimono Fujiro" I reply, finally making eye contact with her. She looks back at me.

"Hey, do you want to walk together?" she asks

I smile "sure" and we both walk outside.

The rest of the day was kinda a blur, going back and forth from classes and trying to find each class. I was extremely tired when walking home to Amma's house. After what seems like an eternity of walking, I scale the steep wooden steps to my Grandmother's traditional Japanese home.

"Amma! I'm home!" I yell, closing the door behind me.

I hear her yell back "I'm in the kitchen!"

I walk into the kitchen to see Amma making tea.

"Hi Amma." I say to her, sitting down at the table.

She looks at me, her usual smile on display.

"Hello Ikimono! I just finished making tea, do you want some?" she asks.

I smile "Yes that sounds good."

She grabs a tea cup and places it on the table, she pours in the tea into the pot and kisses my forehead.

"How was your first day?"she asks as I look up at Her.

"It was fine, but it was exhausting" I groan.

She chuckles. "Well, I am glad that everything turned out okay, did you make any friends?" she asks.

"No, but I walked with a girl today," I replied.

"That's amazing Ikimono! It's definitely a start!" I smile at her.

"Yeah, I guess it is."

795 words

Shifting Feelings (OC x Shoto Todoroki) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now