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I ran down the stairs to see Amma in the living room watching TV.

"How come you are in such a rush?" She says, looking at me.

"I'm meeting up with some friends." I answer.

"Okay, but be careful and text me when you get there. Let me know if you are in trouble alright?" She says, her brows furrowed.

"Yes Amma." I say, running over to kiss her on the cheek.

She smiles at me.

"Go have fun." She says.

I'm walking to a little coffee shop that we agreed to meet at.

I walk inside and see Tsu there.

"Hey Tsu!" I say, waving at her.

"Hello ribbit!" She waves back.

"How are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm doing well ribbit!" She replies.

"Hey you guys!" I hear a voice say.

I turn around and see Midoryia walking over to us.

"Hey Midoriya!" I say.

"Hi Deku!" Tsu says.

"Hey Fujiiro, hi Tsuyu!" He says, waving at us.

"It's Tsu." Tsu says.

"Uh right, sorry." He replies.

We chat for a couple of minutes before the rest of the group comes in.

"Are we ready to enjoy the presence of each other?" Iida says, doing a strange thing with his hand."

We all chuckle as we walk to the park.

We chat and laugh as we continue walking. Shoto looks at me.

"Hey Fujiiro?" He asks.

"Yeah?' I reply.

"I should talk to you about something...could we meet later on today?" He says.

"Oh...sure Shoto." I say.

I wonder what he wants to talk about?

We arrive at the park and sit down at a little bench.

"So are you guys excited for the hero license exam?" Uruaka asks.

"Me and all might have been training really hard for the exam." Midoryia says.

"You too have been hanging out for quite a long time huh?" Shoto asks.

"Todoroki! I swear I am not his secret love child." Midoryia says.

We all laugh as Shoto and Midoryia go back and forth about this secret love child theory.

"I'll be right back. I have to use the bathroom." I say getting up.

I walk to the bathroom when I see Uruaka.

"Fujiiro? Can I talk to you about something?" She asks.

"Oh uh, sure." I reply to her.

I walk over to her.

"What did you want?" I ask.

"I just wanted to say.." she pauses for a moment.

"It's been awhile Fujiiro." She grins.

Ururaka starts to melt. What is going on? She starts to shape into..


"Omg I missed you so much!" She beams.

I push her away.

"What's the matter? You don't want to see me?" She says, making a pouty face.

"After what you have done to me? Not really." I shout back at her.

"Fine then, I just needed some blood anyways." She grumbles, pulling out her needle.

I try to run away but she grabs me before I can move.

"Don't worry! I'll just take a little bit." She giggles.

I feel the needle stab into my arm. Everything starts to go black.

"Almost there!" She says.

I can feel myself starting to faint.

"And...Done!" She grins.

She drops me on the ground.

"Thanks for the blood!" She giggles, running into the shadows.

I try to get up but my body is too weak. How much blood did she take?

My eyes start to flutter when I hear someone shout my name from afar.


Is that...Shoto?

I can feel him pick me up.

"FUJIIRO!" He shouts.

I can hear more footsteps coming to my direction.

"We need to get her medical assistance immediately!" I hear Iida shout.

And everything goes black.

                        613 words

Shifting Feelings (OC x Shoto Todoroki) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now