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I wake up and smile. Today is the day, my birthday! I get up and change into my school uniform. I walk downstairs to see Amma.

"Good Morning Ikimono! Happy birthday!" She smiles.

"Thank you Amma!" I say.

"Now, come to the kitchen, I made you some breakfast!" She says, going into the kitchen.

I walk to the kitchen to see rice, miso soup, and a side of steamed vegetables on the table.

"This looks amazing Amma! Thank you!" I say, sitting down at the table.

I gobble up the food and it tastes amazing! When I'm finished I look at the time.

"Oh crap, I got to go." I get up and rush to the door.

I get to the door and Amma gives me a hug.

"I love you Ikimono." She says.

"I love you to Amma." I say, hugging her back.


I get to school and immediately get greeted by Kaminoko.

"What's up birthday girl!" She says, hugging me.

"Thank you Kaminoko." I laugh.

We walk in and chat for a couple of minutes before getting to class. We walk in and we sit at our desks.

"Fujiiro?" I hear a voice say.

I looked over to see Ururaka at my desk.

"Yeah Uraraka?" I say.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out with us on Friday?" She asks.

I smile. "That sounds great!"

She beams. "Great! See you then!' She says, walking to her desk.

The bell rings and the students storm into the classroom.

Class was about to begin when Shoto walked up to me.

  "Hey Fujiiro?" He says.

I look up at him.

"Yes Shoto?" I say.

"I..made you something for your birthday." He says, looking down.

He hands me a rose that is.. made from ice?

"Oh! Thank you so much Shoto!" I smile.

He blushes.

"No problem." he says. Walking to his desk.


Lunchtime has arrived. Kaminoko, Kunshu, and I sit down at a table. We chat for a while before Tsubuki walks up to us.

"Hey guys!" She says.

"Oh, hi Yui!" Kaminoko replies.

"Anything new with you guys?" Tsubuki asks.

"Yeah! It's Fujiiro's birthday today!" Kaminoko beams.

"Oh! Happy birthday Fujiiro!" Tsubuki exclaims.

"Thank you Tsubuki!" I smile.

"No problem!" She grins.

"Come sit with us!" Kaminoko chimes in.

I would, but I have to meet up with Ako for something, sorry about that!" She says.

"Oh thats fine don't worry." Kaminoko says, continue to eat her food.

Tsubuki walks away and we all sit in silence for a moment.

"So uh, how are you and that Shoto guy?" Kaminoko asks, trying to make conversation.

"Kaminoko, we're just friends." I said.

"Yeah sure, same thing with me and Mayakashi." Kaminoko says in a sarcastic tone.

Kunshu glares at her.

"What? You know I'm joking." Kaminoko says, elbowing him.

She looks back at me.

"But for real Fujiiro, its so obvious you two like each other. Just date already gosh darn it!" Kaminoko says.

I look at Kunshu for help.

He just shrugs.

I guess someone was watching over me because the bell finally rang. We all walk to class when..

Oh no.

Shoto walks up to me.

Kaminoko raises her eyebrows at me as he walks over.

"Hi Fujiiro." He smiles at me.

"Hi Shoto." I reply back to him.

"I heard you were coming with us to hang out this saturday?" He asks.

"Yeah, Ururaka asked me." I answer back.

"Great, I'll see you soon." He says, walking away.

I stand there for a moment before I hear Kaminoko.

"Just friends huh?" She says.

                         599 words

Shifting Feelings (OC x Shoto Todoroki) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now