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We all sat down in the conference room. Aizawa, Principal Nezu, and a couple of other pro heroes are there too.

"Could you please explain why you six were outside at night?" Aizawa asks.

We all sit there in silence.

"I see, if you will not confess, I shall have no other choice then to expel you all." Aizawa says.

"WHAT?!" We all day in unison.

"Hold on a minute, they did technically find our missing student." Midnight chimes in.

"We did ask for the students to be on the lookout for her." Present Mic adds.

"What does the principal think?" Aizawa turns to Principal Nezu.

Principal Nezu stays silent for a moment before speaking.

"While it is forbidden to be outside of campus after curfew, they did find our missing student, in which we asked them to. You will receive a warning, however, Aizawa you may punish them if it's not expelling them." He says.

"Fair enough, you will serve a week's worth of cleaning duties." Aizawa sighs.

"It is late, please return to your dorms." Principal Nezu says.

"Yes sir." We all walk to our dorms.

"Man a whole week of cleaning! You gotta be kidding me!" " Kirishima exclaims.

"Amma is not going to be happy about this..." I sigh.

"At least we will be doing it together." Shoto looks at me.

"Yeah..." I blush.

"So...I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" He asks.

I stay silent for a moment.

"T-that sounds great!" My face turns red.

"Great." He smiles before walking ahead of me.

Seconds later Kaminoko jumps on me.


"You saw the whole thing?!" My eyes start to widen.

"You better believe it!" She grins.

Oh my god..." I cover my face on embarrassment

We finally get to our dorms to see our classmates bombing us with questions.

"What the heck were you guys thinking?!" Ashido yells.

"You could have gotten hurt!" Urakaka adds.

"Are you guys okay?!" Kaminari asks.

"Guys, they are probably tired, we should leave them alone, and then tomorrow we can ask questions." Yaoyorozu sighs.

"Good point.." Jirou says.

"I'll be in my dorm." I walk to my dorm room.

I go to my room and plop on the bed, relieved to be in my room. But as I fall asleep a thought keeps occuring in my mind. What's going to happen to Shitsumon?


"You look so cute!" Kaminoko squeals.

Today I'm having my date with Shoto. I decided to wear a yellow skirt with a white long sleeve shirt, white socks, and Mary Janes.

"Thank you!" I smile.

"Fujiiro? Are you ready to go?" I hear a voice say behind me.

I turn around to see Shoto in a light denim jacket over a white shirt and dark grey pants.

"You look...beautiful..." He says.

"Thank you... you look nice as well... I blush.

Kaminoko raises her eyebrows at us.

"Shall we leave?" Shoto ignores her.

"Yeah...Let's go." I say.

We both walk out of the dorms and into downtown. We stop at a small soba restaurant with a patio. We walk inside and the place had a cozy yet traditional vibe to it. We sit down at the patio and wait to be served.

"Hello! What would you two like?" A lady walks up to us.

"I'll take a soba please." Shoto replies.

"I'll have what he's having." I add.

"Anything to drink?" She pulls out her notepad and writes our order down.

"I'll just have some water." I say.

"Same here." Shoto chimes in.

"Alrighty! I'll have your guys order out soon!" She smiles before walking away.

Me and Shoto sit there in silence.

"So...Do you come here often?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah it's pretty good here." He looks down.

I look around, trying to figure out something to say.

"Um, so how exactly did you get your scar?" I look at him.

He looks at me with a surprise look on his face.

I put my hand over my mouth.

"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have asked about it. I'm so sorry-" I panic.

"No, no it's okay, don't worry about it." He says.

I look down in embarrassment, how stupid am I?

The waitress then brings our drinks and places them on our table.

"Um excuse me, we asked for water not boba?" I ask.

"Oh! Someone decided to give you some boba, they already paid so it won't go on your bill, anyways enjoy!" She walks.

My phone buzzes.

"Excuse me" I pick up my phone.

It's a message from Kaminoko.

"You wanted matcha, right?" It says.

"What do you mean?" I text back.

"Turn around." She replies.

I turn around to see Kaminoko wearing a black trench coat with a fedora and sunglasses.

I let out an aggravated sigh.

"Is everything okay?' Shoto asks.

"Everything's fine! Don't worry!" I turn to him.

"...You sure?" He looks at me weirdly.

"Yep!" I smile.

The waitress then comes to our table with our food.

"Enjoy!" She places the food on the table.

"This looks delicious!" I say.

"Itadakimasu." We both say before eating.

We both didn't say anything while we were eating, it didn't help knowing Kaminoko was watching me. When we finished, Shoto pays for the meal.

"Thank you for the meal." We both say to the lady.

"No problem!" She says.

We walk out of the restaurant.

"I really enjoyed hanging out with you." I look at Shoto.

"I did too." He looks back at me.

I peck him on the cheek

We stare at each other for a moment before I realize what I just did.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what is wrong with me. I should have asked you first!" I quickly say.

He smiles.

"Don't worry about it." He says.

He extends his arm towards me.

"Let's go back to the campus."

I grab his hand and we both walk back to the campus together.

1008 words

Shifting Feelings (OC x Shoto Todoroki) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now