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My eyes start to open. I look around to see a bar. Where am I? I look around and...Is that bakugou? He looks angry, but he is always angry.

"Oh...You're finally awake." A voice says.

I look up to see a man with black spiky hair and blue eyes. He has scars from his mouth to his neck and also has scars under his eyes.

"What's going on?" I say groggily.

"Don't you worry about a thing." He says, smiling.

"Leave the girl alone Dabi." I hear a high pitch voice say.

I look to see a girl with blond hair and space buns, she's grinning, showing off her fangs.

I try to move but I won't budge. I look down to see a chain that is tied to my chair. I try to shapeshift to break free but nothing happens.

"You can try, but you can't break free." The girl with space buns grins.

"Both of you leave, let me handle her." I hear a raspy voice snap.

A man with light blue hair with hands all over his face walked over to me. He seems....Familiar.

"Let me go!" I shout, trying to escape.

"Calm down..I just wanted to have a little talk with you two." He smiles.

"What the hell do you want?" Bakugou yells.

"I have been keeping a close eye on you two." He says.

"Just get to the point already!" Bakugou shouts.

"You really have no patience do you? Whatever, I wanted you two to join our group." He sighs.

"No way in hell!" Bakugou scowls.

"Never! Not in a million years!" I shout.

"I may not be able to convince blasty over there, but you are a special case." He says to me, walking in my direction. "Don't you want to spite your parents?" He asks, a grin making its way onto his face.

My eyes widen. How did he know about them?

"Your parents are from a competing group. If you join us, it would be the ultimate revenge on them. What do you say?" He asks with a hand outstretched.

I turn my head away from him.

"No I won't!" I scream.

"Very well then." He scowls.

He grabs my elbow and I can feel my elbow starting to break apart. I start to scream in pain when the layer of skin breaks down.

"I am here!" I hear a voice say.

I look over to see all might and the other pro hero's. Thank goodness! But then I feel something grab my hair and pull me into a portal.

Everything goes black.


I wake up and look around. Everything seems different... I feel a sting of pain go through my body. I wince, trying my best not to scream.

"Oh good you're awake!" I hear the high pitch voice say.

I look to my right to see the girl with space buns.

"You should totally join! It gets boring being the only girl around here." She pouts.

I look away.

"You can't convince me." I growl.

She sighs

"You left me no choice." She says.

I feel something stab my arm.

"What are you doing!?" I yell.

"Don't worry! I'm just taking some blood that's all!" She says.

My whole body aches. I feel so tired. When will this end?

"That seems like enough." She says.

She takes out the needle and looks at me.

"I'm Toga by the way!" She exclaims

I stay silent.

"Fine, be that way." She growls, walking away.

I sit in silence for a couple of minutes before the guy with light blue hair and hands walks in.

"Have you accepted our offer?" He asks.

"I'm not going to accept it." I reply.

"You are making this way harder than it needs to be." He scowls.

"I don't care." I say.

"I thought you wanted to get revenge on your parents?" He grins.

"Not like this." I grumble.

He walks away, but when he gets to the door he looks back at me.

"If I come back and you still don't accept our offer, I will kill you." He says, closing the door.

I sit in silence. What should I do? I can't break free...Should I just take his offer? No, I can't do that...But he will kill me if I don't!

Amid my panic, I feel a small tug on my wrists, which are tied behind the chair I'm stuck to.

"Shh! I don't want anyone to know we're here..." I can't see who's talking, but it's a familiar feminine voice.

When I'm free from the chair I look over and see... The girl with blue Skin from my class?

"What are you doing here?" I whisper.

"Duh! I'm trying to save you!" She smiles.

"But? How?" I stutter.

"I've got my ways." She grins. "Now, follow me!" She says walking away.

I try to stand up, but fail miserably, falling to my knees with a thud and praying that the villains didn't hear me.

The girl helps me up. "Are you okay?" She asks.

I brush myself off, "Yeah, I'm fine." I reply.

The girl opens a window on the opposite wall and stands next to it, phasing through the wall. She poles her head through the window and holds her hand out to me.

I grab it.

I land on the grass. Thankful to finally be free.

"Oh! You got her Yui!" I hear a British voice say.

I look up to see a girl with dirty blond hair and brown eyes looking down at me.
And next to her is someone I would have never expected.

"Todoroki?" I say, surprised.

"Hello, Fujiiro." He says.

"What is going on here?" I ask.

"We all came here to save you of course!" The girl with blue skin says.
"Did you really think we would leave you?" The girl with dirty blond hair says.

I look down.

"Thank you guys." I smile.

"Do you need help getting up?' Todoroki asks.

"Yeah..." I mumble.

Todoroki picks me up and put me on his back, giving me a piggyback ride.

"Thanks Todoroki." I say.

"No problem, but you can just call me Shoto." He replies.

They start walking, and Ican feel my consciousness slipping away from me. I'm so tired from everything. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

                       1061 words

Shifting Feelings (OC x Shoto Todoroki) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now