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I walk into a hallways when I hear a voice,

"Hi Fujiro!" I hear someone say, I turn around and see Kaminoko

"Oh....hello" I reply back to her.

"How are you today? I was wondering if you wanted to walk to class!" She beams.

She sure can talk.

"Um, sure." I smile at her.

    We walk into our classroom and sit in our seats, waiting for the bell to ring, A couple of students walk in, including a girl with a black high ponytail.

She smiles at me "Greetings."

I slowly look up at her, "Hello."

"My name is Yaoyoruzu, and your name is?" she asks.

"Oh, Fujiro, Ikimono Fujiro." I reply.

"A pleasure to meet you, I thought I would say hello since we sit near each other." She says.

I guess I didn't realize on the first day but she was correct, she sits two seats down from me. I was about to open my mouth but the bell rang.

"Oh! I will talk to you later, it was nice meeting you" She smiles as she walks to her desk.

Sensei comes in and starts taking attendance, after he finishes he makes another announcement, "Today we will be training with all might,-"

As soon as he says all might I notice a puff of smoke to the left, I look over to see the burgundy haired girl puffing smoke out of her nose.

"That's... Interesting..." I think to myself.


After the training, its time for lunch, yesterday I sat alone, I didn't want to be bothered. As I pick up my lunch I hear Kaminokos childish voice

"Fujiro! Do you want to come sit with me and my boyfriend?"

It was a moment of silence before I said "Sure"

We walk over to the table where I see a boy with blond hair with black eyes sitting at the table.

"Mayakashi! This is my friend Fujiro! Fujiro, this is my boyfriend Mayakashi!" Kaminoko says while putting her food on the table.

"Hey." he says

"Hello." I reply back

We all talk for a little bit, I can't help but stare at Todoroki, When all of a sudden

"Hey are you okay?"

I jump and turn to see Kaminoko looking at me "Oh, I'm fine! I just kinda zoned out I guess..."

She looks to where I was starting at and sees Todoroki, she looks back me and grins

"You like him don't you?"

"What?" I exclaim, "No! I don't!" I can feel my face getting red

"You two would be such a cute couple!" She bounces

"I don't even know him!"

"Kaminoko, don't try playing matchmaker again" Mayakashi says looking at her.

"But! They would be such a cute couple!" She looks at him making a pouty face

"Once again, you can't play matchmaker on every person you talk to." Mayakashi says with a serious Face.

"Fine!" She says making a Hmph! Sound as she continues to eat her food.

The bell rings and we all go back to our classes, I walk alone this time though. When I'm near the class I see Todoroki, I realize I'm blushing when I look at him, I quickly look down as I walk by him. When he is out of sight I sigh. But I am thinking to myself, why was I blushing? And why does my stomach feel strange? Could Kaminoko be right and I do like him? I shake my head, no that's not it..I think...

580 words

Shifting Feelings (OC x Shoto Todoroki) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now