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Me and the teachers run to the dorm building and go into the lobby where everyone is. Thankfully, no one is hurt, but, Shitsumon and Sakura are gone, vanished. And everyone was on the ground.

"Where are they?!" Aizawa asks.

"They were just here!" I reply.

"Where... oh no..." Iida stood up abruptly, straightening his glasses. "Shizaki used her quirk on us!" He exclaimed.

"But.. Sakura..." Kirishima was still crying, Ashido trying to comfort him.

"We need to go and find them." Yaoyoruzu stands up.

"But how?" Kaminari asks.

"We can't do anything at the moment right now, we have to file a report for Shizaki." Aizawa walks up to us.

"But...What about Sakura? She's in danger!" Kirishima pleads.

"We will handle the situation as soon as possible, but for now there is nothing we can do." Aizawa's facial expression turns serious.

Kirishima looks down in sadness.

Aizawa and the rest of the teachers leave the dorms, leaving us there.

"We can't just leave her there!" Kirishima yells.

"Yeah, but Mr Aizawa said that we can't do anything about it." Uraraka says.

"Maybe we should leave it to the professionals." Yaoyoruzu chimes in.

"But Sakura is in danger! If we don't save her, that is so not manly!" Kirishima exclaims.

"I don't know, this could be really dangerous, you guys could get hurt." Asui says.

"I don't care! We need to help her! Who's with me!?" Kirishima turns to look at us.

We all stay silent.

"I'm in."

We all turn to see Hatsuko step forward.

"You can't be serious, Morning Breath." Bakugou grunts.

"I am. Shitsumon's my brother. If it takes breaking into a villain's lair to convince him to join the good guys, then that's what I have to do." Hatsuko stands next to Kirishima.

"Alright! We need more people, who is in?" Kirishima looks at us.

"I'll join." I walk up to them.

"Fujiiro wait." Shoto grabs my arm.

I look at him and smile.

"I'll be fine." I continue walking towards them.

"Anyone else?" Kirishima asks.

"I'm coming with you guys." Kaminoko replies.

"I'll join you as well." Kumunui chimes in.

"Then I'm going as well!" Iida walks towards us, his face red.

"Alrighty! This looks like a good group!" Kirishima beams.

"So when do we go?" Kaminoko asks.

"When it's nighttime, for now, let's come up with a plan." Kirishima sits down on the couch.

"Guys, please rethink this." Uraraka's face fills with concern.

"If we don't save her now, who knows what will happen to her!? You cannot change my mind!" Kirishima exclaimes.

"Wait about Shitsumon? We're saving him too!" Hatsuko interrupts.

"Yeah him too!" Kirishima adds.

We all begin to talk about how we can save Shizaki and Shitsumon, the whole time I was thinking to myself.

What did I get myself into?

471 words

Shifting Feelings (OC x Shoto Todoroki) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now