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Today is the first day of internships. I walk to the building to see a lady with blonde hair with snakes and a magenta dress. She looks over to me.

"Oh! You're a little early.." she says.

"Yeah I guess..."  I mutter.

"Well, might as well get you ready." The lady says. She stops for a second "Oh let me introduce myself!" She exclaims.

"I am Uwabami the snake hero. I'm so happy that you chose me for the internship." She says, pointing to herself.

"Oh...yeah no problem..." I stutter.

"Follow me to the dressing room." She says, walking to a door.

Dressing room? Is it to change to my hero costume? I follow her.

I walk in and see a bunch of chairs, It looks like a.. salon?

"What are we doing here?" I ask.

"Oh! You're here to help model for my commercials, correct?" She says, cocking her head to the side.

"Uh...I thought I was here for hero training?" I ask.

Am I in the wrong building?

"You are Ikimono Fujiiro, correct?" She asks.

"Yes..." I reply.

"Well then, you are in the right place! Take a seat." She says pointing to a chair.

What is going on?

I sit in the chair just before the door opens and I see... Yaoyoruzu? Next to her is a girl with orange hair and blue eyes.

"Oh girls! Come in!" Uwabami says.

You can tell they are confused, but they sit down in the chairs anyways. A stylist comes in and starts styling our hair while Uwabami starts talking.

"You girls will be modeling for a couple of commercials" she says, walking around the room.

We all just look at her, still confused.

"When we're done with your hair I picked out some dresses!" She says going to a closet.

She pulls out three dresses and gives a red one to Yaoyoruzu. And a blue one to the other girl. Then she gives me my dress. It's a lavender color with a long skirt that has a slit on the right leg. It's a v cut neckline with straps on the shoulders.

"Now go to the changing rooms." she says shooing us away.

A couple of minutes later we step out of the closet and Uwabami gasps.

"You girls look so cute!" She says, a huge grin on her face.

The dress feels...Revealing.

"Now, follow me to the studio." She says walking out the door.

We follow her out and go to another door. It leads to a studio with people rushing around.

"Come you three, stand right here" Uwabami says, pointing to a pink background.

We all stand in our spots, waiting for a cue.

The director was running around, giving orders to the cameramen. 

"Everyone in positions!" He yells, pacing around frantically.

He sits on the director's chair while the camera man is trying to angle the camera.

"In 3...2...1..." The cameraman gives a signal, and the camera starts rolling.


After a couple of attempts at the commercial, we have a lunch break. We go down to the cafeteria and Yaoyorozu, the red head, and I sit down at a table.

"Well, this was certainly not the training I thought it was going to be." Yaoyorozu said, looking at us.

"Yeah it was definitely not." The red headed girl said, she looks at me.

"I don't think we properly introduced ourselves, I'm Itsuka Kendo." She says smiling.

"My name is Ikimono Fujiro, its nice to meet you too." I say, smiling back.

"Oh! I think I saw you at the sports festival, correct?" She asks.

"Yeah I think so..." I reply.

Uwabami walks over to us.

"You girls did wonderful today! We will be taking more shots tomorrow!" Uwabami exclaims.

"Sure..." We all sigh.


Yaoyorozu, Kendo, and I walk into the building, not knowing what to expect for the day.

"Oh girls! You're here!" Uwabami excitedly states.

She leads us to the changing room once again.

"Get into your dresses please." She smiles.

We all change and go into the salon. The three stylists were waiting for us. Once they were done with filming, we had lunch and went to the rooms they assigned us. I plop on my bed and sigh. Today was extremely difficult. And I don't want to continue with this internship. But I can't give up, even though I did not sign up to be a model.


The day has finally come, the last day of the internship. Uwabami called us down for an announcement. We all go downstairs to see Uwabami smiling at us, her hands clasped together.

"I just want to say thank you girls very much, you have all worked so hard and I am extremely proud of you" She smiles.

"We will be doing some editing and then the commercial will be broadcasted on television!" She exclaims.

"Now, as a gift of appreciation I will be giving you girls the products we used for the commercial!" She bounces.

She hands us the products we used for the commercial.

"Now, off you girls go and thank you very much!" She says, shooing us away.

We all walk out and just look at each other weirdly. We don't say anything on the walk home. I am disappointed that the internship was not like I expected. But at least I got free products.

                           896 words

Shifting Feelings (OC x Shoto Todoroki) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now