Chapter 2: What Do You Mean?!

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Rin sat on a bench at school. Her bag was on the ground, being held up by the legs of the bench.
"Grr! What could be taking them so long?!" She growled, "Don't tell me Rana dragged Gumi to a clothes store again..." Then Gumi and Rana ran up to her, trying to catch their breath. Rin grabbed her bag from underneath her and got up.
"Where were you two?!" she demanded. After all, she wasn't afraid to speak up.
"We met a boy. I think you'd like him." Gumi said calmly after catching her breath.
"Yeah!" Rana exclaimed.
"I already told you two, I'm not the romantic type." Rin said cool as usual.
"No-no-no-no! We didn't mean it like that Rin!" Rana stuttered.
"Then what did you mean?" Rin said, tapping her foot. She probably just lied about the stupid romance thing and thought we'd get married and have ninety-five kids or something cheesy like that. Rin thought. The three of them started walking to the cafe they had always hung out in after school.
"We mean we found your long lost twin!" Rana cried. Rin stopped in mid-step.
"What," She demanded.
"O.M.G! Like, that was his his response! He was like 'what.' too!" Rana exclaimed.
"A mere coincidence," Rin replied. She started walking again.
"Same eyes, same style, same name, same impersonation of directions, that hair... Rin, that can't be a 'mere coincidence' you know," Gumi stated. She and Rana caught up with Rin.
"I think you guys are just overreacting," Rin said, walking into the cafe. The cafe was a small building with ten tables each with two or three chairs and a counter that could have five people sitting around it at a time. She walked up to the counter and a girl behind the counter asked,
"The usual, girls?"
"Yes, Nana," Rin replied.
"Please and thank you," Rana added politely. Gumi, Rin and Rana sat at a table.
"So anyway,you should totally meet your twin!" Rana cried excitedly. Rin sighed,
"Just because some stupid person may look a little like me, doesn't mean we're twins, you know. Like I said, it's a mere coincidence." Nana came and put an orange smoothie with a straw in it by Rin, a cupcake with vanilla frosting and rainbow sprinkles by Rana and a piece of carrot cake and a metal fork by Gumi and walked away.
"But Rin..." Rana mumbled.
"Rana, let me give her more reasonable answer." Gumi said, "I'm not quite sure you understand, Rin. He looks exactly like you in every way and if he were to dress like you, there would be no way to tell you two apart. You have the same last name and your names match like some twins do. You look like the same age and everything," That is a good point, but I don't want to give them the idea I'm agreeing with them... Rin thought, but then again, I've never met him... She drank some of her smoothie and almost replied, but Nana, who had apparently snuck up on them said,
"You know girls, you really are a wierd l group of friends. You got Rin the cool tomboy, Rana the hyper girly-girl and Gumi the mature, 'normal' girl." she smiled. Phew, Rin thought, weather you knew it or not, you saved me Nana.

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