Chapter 21: The Mirror's Song

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It was dark. Or was that place painted black? No person could really tell if they had been there before. Where the place seemed to be end, closed off by a wall, it was actually only beginning like a thick fog. What was in this place, though? Nothing but a boy and a mirror. When the boy stared into the mirror, all he could see was black, like everything else. . . Everything else but him. His blonde hair almost seemed to glow as neon does in a dark and dreary atmosphere.

This child, his lips stayed sealed. He looked around then walked into the darkness. After an undetermined amount of time, he opened his mouth and screamed as loud as he could,

"Hello?! Is anyone there?!" but his voice was swallowed up in the darkness. Lost and confused, he headed back to the mirror. He sat on the ground, staring deeply into the mirror.


Rin was walking to school, bag in hand, eyes glued to the ground ahead of her. 'It's just all so ironic. . . A year ago, I thought they were the crazy ones, but now. . . It's the opposite. It couldn't have been a dream. . . Could it?' She thought, trying to process all the information, 'No, that is impossible.'

She waited for friends, who didn't even show up. In the first hour, she didn't pay attention to a single word from her teacher. In the second hour, she walked in the classroom to see a group of kids who had already arrived, including Rana.

"Hey Rana!" She cried, waving her arm in the air, a smile growing on her face. Rana looked up at Rin, her face, which was usually full of a smile, was cold. "What's wrong?"

"Have you stopped living in your fantasy yet?" Rana asked, like a machine programed to ask everyone who passed by that.

"Fantasy?" Rin asked, confused.

"Pretending your imaginary friend was here all along, in person?" Rana asked. Rin just quietly walked to her seat. The teacher walked in, sat at his desk and did roll call.


"Galaco?" He said, having called two-thirds of the students already.

"Here," replied Galaco.

"Rin Kagamine?"

"Here," said Rin.

"Tianyi Luo?" He asked. Rin looked up. 'What about Len? Doesn't he get to be called? Even if he's not here?'

"Here," Tianyi replied as Rin grabbed a notebook from her bag and a few colored pencils. She opened the book to a fresh page and started to draw. 'There's only one way to prove I'm not losing my mind, but it might also prove that I am. . . But since I have nothing to lose. . .'

At lunchtime, Rin found herself wandering around the corridors of the school building. In her hand she held a single folded piece of paper, only showing white to the students walking around also. She walked in a class, finding a mess of blonde hair on a desk. She approached it and shook it gently.

"Anon, Anon, time to wake up. . . It's lunchtime." Rin said softly. Slowly, Anon sat up and looked at Rin.

"What do you want?" Anon mumbled, still half asleep. Rin unfolded the paper in her hands and showed it to Anon. On it was a male that looked like he had come from an anime. Blue eyes, blonde spiked hair, ponytail, thin but holding a bold pose with his hands in his pockets. The picture was of none other than Len Kagamine.

"Have you seen him?"Rin asked, pointing at the drawing. Anon, a little more awake, studied the figure in front of her.

"I don't think so. . . But please tell me when you do, he looks cute," She mumbled before laying her head back down to go back to sleep. Rin walked out of the room, heavily sighing. 'I guess Len's not real then. . .' She thought.

After Rin came from school, she walked into the bathroom to take a shower, but something chased her. She walked back to the mirror. Reflected in the mirror was something. Although she had never seen herself in a mirror, there was no mistake of who was looking back at her: Len Kagamine.  

Now whenever Rin looks into a lake, a mirror and many other things, she sees a reflection. But not of herself, but the one she calls Len Kagamine. The only way for the sound to travel through the barrier is to sing their song. . .

'Lu li la, lu li la. . .'

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