Chapter 13: Surprise!

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"Everyone!" Miku cried above the crowd, who were roaring in applause, into her mic, "I have an announcement to make." The crowd silenced itself quickly in curiousity. "I've decided, I have realized over the years I have always performed by myself... I've never even held any contests or anything... So, I will choose personally someone who will work with me directly with a surprise I have made for the rest of you." Everyone looked at each other, "How will the person be picked? The answer is simple: after everyone has gotten up and has started to leave, I'll simply find someone with my helpful band."

Miku walked offstage and the lights turned on above the people in the crowd indicating the concert was over. Everyone excitedly got up and chatted with each other as they gathered their belongings.

Miku pulled out her ponytail holders and let her hair fall. She changed into a plain white t-shirt and some torn up jean shorts. She put her hair in a ponytail and washed off her make up. Next, she put on color contacts, making her eyes appear brown and put on a baseball cap backwards, pulling her hair underneath, hiding it.

"Miku, are you sure you want to do this?" Kaito asked, slowly approaching her.

"Kaito, you know I've wanted to do a duet for a long time," She responded.

"Well, yes I know but, um... What if the person you choose sucks at singing? Why didn't you do a contest judged by yourself in person?" He questioned, "Or ask a professional singer?"

"I never said that they were singing with me, that means there can always be a plan B!" She said with a smile. She put on sunglasses and got up. "Let's go."


"Thanks for getting me a ticket, Rana," Len said, slowly walking in the sea of people with the group of girls.

"Aw, it's nothing. Seriously!" She responded with a smile.

Finally, the group got out of the place and went their own ways. Len was just about to jump on his bike and start riding, when a tomboyish and slacker-looking girl approached him.

"Hey," She said. That voice sounds familiar... Len thought. "It was pretty cool that Miku did that, right?" She asked, leaning back against a lamppost which was right next to him.

"I guess," He said, unsure of what was happening and being cautious.

"You know, everyone wants Hastune Miku to pick them I'm sure, but you don't seem to thrilled about it," She said, slightly lowering her sunglasses, "Why is that?"

"I admit... I'm a little lost and I'm sure she wants to sing with them and I'm not really a singer..." He said, scratching the back of his head.

"Hey boy, want to know a secret?" She said crossing her arms and grinning.

"Sure..?" He said, still having no clue where this was going. He looked at his right hand, still holding the handlebar on his bike and let go of it. He turned back to the mysterious girl with the unimaginable secret.

"You know that chick Miku?" She asked.

"Yeah...?" He responded.

"I'm that chick," She said, pulling off her hat and letting her hair fall, "And I want you to help me with my surprise."

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