Chapter 3: Wedding Bells' Goodbye

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Haha added new things...

"-said in English-"



But seriously, I think this chapter is kind of sad...


Len walked up to the door of his house that had three stories and a basement. He put his hand on the handle, but then he noticed a pink not that read,


I'm with that thing again. Hold down the fort, okay?


He grabbed it and crumpled it up in both of his hands.

"That's no way to address Dad..." He mumbled as he walked inside. As he entered the kitchen, he threw the piece of paper in the trashcan and sighed.

"Why can't they just get along?" He asked. Ever since last year, my parents just was bicker and fight and it's all my fault... he thought.


Thirteen year old Len played on his IPod.

"Are you sure you don't want a break, Penny?" He asked. Penny was a 15 year old maid who was cleaning Len's room at that moment. Besides the fact that Penny was only working there, Len kind of thought of Penny as an older sister. She was annoying when she is following his parent's rules, but she was always there when he needed her most. Whenever Penny was sad, Len would make her laugh until she could hardly breathe.

"No, I'm alright, but you should clean your room every decade," She giggled.

"I'm sure I cleaned it one century or another," He said. Then they laughed for awhile. Then it was silent. Dead silent. It stayed like this for awhile until Len heard something that went like this...

"YOU NEVER CARE ABOUT LEN!!" The voice of his mother yelled. Len all of a sudden didn't care about the game he was playing. Penny also stopped what she was doing.

"OF COURSE I CARE ABOUT MY LEN!! IT'S YOU WHO DOESN'T CARE!!" His father yelled back. What is going on? Len thought, feeling anxious. Suddenly he felt the warm, loving hug of Penny.

"YOU'VE SPOILED OUR SON! DID YOU SEE HIS GRADE IN ENGLISH?! IT'S BECAUSE HE DOESN'T CARE AT ALL. THAT STUPID PIANO GUITAR-THING YOU GAVE HIM ON HIS BIRTHDAY IS ALL HE CARES ABOUT, AND IF HE CAN'T JUST EXPECT THAT HE CAN JUST GET A LIVING BY SOMETHING SO STUPID!" Len looked at his "stupid guitar thing." He never said he wanted to get a living out of it, he just played for fun. Also, his English was at a B- because no matter how hard he tried, or how long, he could just never get terms and phrases quite right, nor could he pronounce his name correctly, or at least the way the teacher wanted him to say it. Penny started to hum a sweet tune. It had no lyrics, but it was the way Penny would calm Len down. They picked and fought over everything Len did 'incorrectly' and if that was acceptable at that age that he did that, but Len never meant to do anything. Every once in awhile, like everyone else, he'd do something on accident or perform a task incorrectly, but that was really it.

It only went worse after that. Many other things were yelled that night. After a while, Len cried himself to sleep in Penny's arms after many more hurtful words had been spoken, but that was only halfway through that night. Eventually, his mother kicked his father out and was no longer able to afford maids, servants, cooks, or anything like that. Penny would always sneak over through Len's window and they'd hang out, but she only snuck in instead of knocking on the door because her mother blamed Penny for part of Len's 'rebellious' ways. Then Penny moved away to the other side of Japan, leaving Len all alone. The day that she left was exactly six months, two days, twelve hours and thirty-nine minutes ago Len remembered. Eventually, his happy, annoying, talkative self was no more and he was careful of every little thing he ever did and he never saw his father or Penny again.

Len shrugged it off. Sometimes, people would rather have fun than be sad all day.


Rin came home from school.

"I'm home!" She called.

"Oh hi, Sis. Still wearing that weird bow-thing i see," Her 17 year old brother said, putting his hand on her head and messing up her hair. They teased each other a lot and 'Still wearing that weird bow-thing I see' was code for 'welcome home.'

"And you're still annoying as usual, Yohio," That was code for 'thanks.'

"Anything interesting happen at school today?" He asked. He walked with his sister into the living room.

"Well, there was this boy and-." Rin said.

"A boy? Rin, I didn't know you were at that age yet! My little sister's growing up!" He exclaimed.

"W-what?! It's not like that..! I don't like him!" Rin cried, blushing, "Anyway, my friends are going crazy and claiming some boy I never met is my twin."

"Heh. I could never understand girls." Yohio responded. Rin sat on the couch.

"Wow... It's been a whole year, hasn't it? Since our parents got engaged and we were officially becoming step siblings?" Rin said.

"Wow, it really has. It felt like it was yesterday, but you know we only officially became siblings six months, two days, twelve hours and thirty nine minutes ago." Yohio said.


Thirteen year old Rin hid behind her mother and peaked at a sixteen year old boy.

"Rin, when me and my fiance get married, this will be your step brother. I'm sorry Yohio, she's a little shy," Her mother said. Yohio was tall for his age and Rin was short for her hers. He looked like a giant to her, but he smiled the nicest smile a person could have and said,

"I'm Yohio, and you're Rin, right?" Rin took a step away from her mom and closer to him, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." She took another step. He stood there smiling. Then Rin ran up to him and hugged him. He was a little surprised for a second, but then hugged her back. Eventually, Rin's shy, quiet side was shone less and she was happier and more honest. It was all because of her brother Yohio.

Rin smiled.

"I'm glad my mother married your dad. If they hadn't gotten married, I wouldn't have met you. You've helped out so much, I'm not sure I can ever repay you." She said.

"You know, you've helped me out too. I can't really explain how, but just have." Yohio replied with a smile, "Maybe it's because I'm not alone as much."

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