(Edited) Chapter 8: Small Talk

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Rin walked into her first class wearing a white shirt, a brown sweatshirt, a black wristband with a brown stripe on her left arm, a brown skirt, black knee socks with a brown stripe on them and some tennis shoes. She took her seat, which was in the middle of the rows of seats and the furthest to the right. You know, now I kind of feel bad for leaving Len when he was trying to tell me something... Well, I hope it isn't very important... She looked at the white, circular clock on the wall which told her there was a half hour before school started, so she opened her favorite manga, but before Rin could start to read she heard a voice that said,

"U-um, I never knew you liked the romance genre." She looked up to see Len standing in front of her.

"Len, this isn't your class," She said with a frown, quickly shutting the book and shoving it in her bag.

"O-oh um..." Len said with a blush growing across his face.

(*— He doesn't necessarily have a crush, he's just shy)

"No-no... It's okay, you can be here...!" She quickly said.

"Oh... Um okay... H-hey Rin?" Len asked. She replied,

"What  is it, Len?" Len started to play with his thumbs and stuttered,

"O-oh... Um, do you really t-think we're t-twins? Y-you know, you never answered yourself, a-and we know a little more about each other a-and everything..."

"Well, I have a mother and yours kinda..." She said, trailing off. Then her eyes went a little wide as she realized what she had just said to the boy in front of her.

"W-well I guess you're right," Len said with a nervous chuckle, "Just wondering, that's all..." The bell that announced that class starts in five minutes went off, making him jump a little in surprise.

"O-oh, guess I should be going..." Len said then hurried off, his ponytail bouncing with each step he took. He didn't have to be so nervous... Rin thought, trailing off.

Okay everyone, listen up please... I'm sorry this was so short, but I'm having a little writer's block. I honestly don't know if you guys are actually reading my story or not, but some suggestions/ideas and feedback might help... ^^;

I'll still be writing weekly, but I'm just saying. Also, I most likely won't ever be saying this again because I know how annoying it can get...

Oh yeah. Also if you didn't see with the whole "update" thing, I will usually be updating this every Friday or Saturday. Bye!

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