Chapter 6: Text Me

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(Yeah, I know the picture isn't quite right, but oh well) Ohhhh Len lied! Where will this go? Let's see... Oh yeah before we start, I need to tell you some things. First of all,thanks for almost 200 reads. You seriously don't know how much that means to me ^^, ands second I'm going to TRY to post weekly. Thanks, bye.


Len walked home that day, kicking rocks boredly. He thought about all that had happened. I actually made her cry... and she didn't even know it was a lie... he thought with a sigh. He unlocked the door to his house, walked in and put his stuff in the proper place. To get his mind of his growing guilt, which were like weeds, he turned on the radio to "The Miku-Miku station," and started to vacuum.

"This next song is called 'MELT!' an announcer said. Len stopped the vacuum, walked over to the radio, cranked it up all the way and continued vacuuming, singing to it. Through it all, he had completed his task of putting his guilt away for another day.


Rin sat cross-legged on her bed and looked at her orange teddy bear that her brother had given her when they met.

"I feel bad for Len... Maybe that's why he's so shy... Maybe something happened? Like maybe he got teased for crying about his mother? He's the type of guy who'd do that, right?" she said. She tended to have many conversations with her teddy bear, especially when she was upset or stressed(although she never let anyone know those chats existed). She sat there, as if waiting for a response for a few minutes, staring into the fake eyes of the bear.

"Well, I guess so-" she started to say, but her phone went off and she checked to see who it was with a groan.

(--* I'm just going to write the conversation they had... lazy me)

Len: Hi

Rin: LEN?!?!?!

Len: ...?

Rin: "...?"

Len: ...

Rin: *sigh*... Hi Len...

Len: wazzup?


Len: *sweatdrop* um...


Len: ... I-it's not what you think...

Rin: whatever you say =3=

Len: B-but Rana slid your number in my coat pocket without me knowing...

Rin: ... that's just like her too...

Len: Y-yeah... I guess... Say, u-um Rin?

Rin: Oh, my mom just called me for dinner... Bye!

Len: W-WAIT!!


Len stared at his IPod for ten minutes, praying Rin would respond with or without her dinner, but she didn't. His stomach growled and he said to himself,

"W-well, I should probably start getting supper ready... Mom's going to be home soon." and he walked to the kitchen a little disappointed.


What did Len want to tell Rin??

Can Len cook??

What's for supper??

Did you realize that Len's thoughts at the beginning rhymed?

What do you think of the story so far??

How many questions can I ask??

Cya next time! Bye!

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