Chapter 14: Why?

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Yeah, sorry this is a little late. I decided that if I end up posting a chapter after two days of when I should have posted, I'll do an apology chapter. Also, I'll stop complaining about whatever happens because I can see how it could be annoying after awhile. :-/


Len laid down on his bed that was made already without any wrinkles or stains on it. The comforter was yellow and his pillow was pure white. His bed looked like one of those beds in ads and commercials that again, are perfect. It really had been an eventful day for Len. He looked at the walls that were white and yellow vertical stripes that matched his bed, going on forever around the room it seemed like. He looked at his carpet and ceiling that were white too and sighed.

"Famous or not, I don't have time for Miku. I have too many chores and responsibilities at home that need to be taken care of daily, right?" He asked no one in particular. Suddenly, his phone, which was on his desk, buzzed. He slowly got up, walked to his desk and looked at the text someone had sent him.

'I should have never given her my number...' Len thought as he silently read the text.


Miku: Hey Len

Len: Yes Miku?

Miku: I'm kind of surprised...

Len: Surprised about what?

Miku: I've never met anyone who wouldn't immediately accept to do something for me until now

Len: Really?

Miku: Yeah...

Len: Sorry

Miku: Don't be

Len: Why not?

Miku: Sometimes it's overwhelming to have millions of fans around the world. They always want me to sing this song or that song or a song about this or a song about that.

Len: Yeah I can kind of see how that could be annoying after awhile...

Miku: Yeah and you know what's the most annoying?

Len: What?

Miku: When I'm walking around and someone screams in my ear "look, its Hastune Miku!" >:(

Len: :/

Len: Well i have to go

Miku: Okay ttyl


Len put his phone down and ran out of his room.

"Len! Get over here now!" His mother yelled. This was the third time she had called him although it had only been 48 seconds from the first time.

"Yes mother?" He said, panting at the entryway of the dining room. His mother was at the table with her hands folded on the table, moving her fingers as if she were making an evil plan.

"We're having guests over in one hour. Welcome them with the best feast ever prepared." she said. 'It's going to take a lot longer than an hour to make the feast she's describing...' Len thought, but he nodded his head and went straight to work anyways.


Well, that's the end of that chapter. Wish your moms all a happy Mothers' Day! Bye!

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