Chapter 11: Lights, Camera

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Rin looked at herself in the mirror as she put her curled hair into a ponytail on the day of the concert. She wore a pink dress that just went above her knees and jean shorts underneath. She glanced at the clock telling her it was 7:45. I should probably head out now since the concert is at 8:30... She thought, opening the bathroom door and running down the stairs.

"Mom! I'm ready to go to the concert now!" She called, heading to the front door and grabbing the ticket from the table. Her mother said,

"What time do you think you'll be back?"

"Um... 10:30 maybe..?" Rin guessed, putting on her shoes with her mother. Her mother had to drop her off because Rin was to young to drive herself. They got into the five-seat car, cranked the radio up to Miku's songs and headed to the concert.


Rin looked around. She had 30 minutes before the concert started so she could look around a little and maybe buy some souvenirs and stuff like that. She could also find the others maybe or just meet them at their seats. She noticed that a cool shirt with Hastune Miku on it was only 1,200 yen and headed to a line that sold them. After five minutes, she was in front of the cashier. She gave the cashier the money, told them the size she needed, watched as someone put a shirt in a bag and hand it to her.

"Thanks..." Rin said, blushing a little. Why am I buying souvenirs of a singer I don't even like? Rin thought, but she knew deep down that it was a lie that she didn't like Miku. She walked away.

"Hm... What should I do now?" she soliloquized, "There's still some time..."


Len grabbed his yellow bike, which again, didn't have a speck of dust on it and started to ride to the concert. It was starting to get cold and regretted wearing a t-shirt and shorts without a sweatshirt. He felt himself shivering and his nose starting to run and petaled faster. About a block from where the concert was being held, Len found a parking lot with a bike rack and locked up his bike to it. He raced to the concert and waited inside where they checked for tickets. A clock on the wall told him it was 8:20- ten minutes before the concert was supposed to start. There was hardly anyone in line anymore, so he was able to quickly come in and start searching for his seat. Finally, he found his seat, row fifteen seat twenty-three, but only because Rana called his name and waved at him. Suddenly, the lights on the audience turned off and for a few seconds, Len couldn't see even Rin, who was sitting in the chair closest to him on his left. Spotlights turned on above the stage and the crowd hushed. The concert was starting.

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