Chapter 16: Loneliness

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"No way." Len said under his breath as the new student came into the classroom.

"Everyone, meet Kanno Miya." The teacher said, but Len knew that wasn't her real name. She had more of a tomboyish look with a baseball cap on backwards, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans, but it was the teal bangs that escaped the cap that made him realize who it was. The teacher told 'Miya' to sit in the empty seat on the opposite side of the room then class began.


Len looked around eating the last of his lunch looking at the people he passed.

Where is she?

He thought as he started to walk faster. As he passed each classroom, he glanced in each one, making sure that she wasn't in there. Finally, he saw a small group of girls, and one of them was her.

"Hey Miya!" He called. The girl looked up, "Can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Okay." She said as he pulled her into an empty classroom. He shut the door carefully then cried,

"What are you doing here Miku?!"

"I wanted to see what your everyday life is like. I want to get to know you more... I've never met anyone like you..." she trailed off.

"That's all I wanted to know." he said emotionlessly and walked away, but under his breath he mumbled, "Stalker."


"Teacher, could Len show me where the rest of my classes are since they are in places I've never been to? We are good childhood friends so I thought it wouldn't be so awkward..." Miku lied two minutes before the first afternoon class started. The room had walls that were green and four large windows were on one side of the wall. On the ground, there was wood slats in an interesting pattern. In the front of the room, there was a bunch of math equations on the board that the students would learn to solve that day.

"E-eh?" Len whispered. The teacher stared down at the two as adjusted his glasses. He thought for a moment then said,

"Very well, but you may get more homework than the rest of the class. Also be quick or else I'll come looking for you."

"Oh, thank you! Thank you!" Miku cried, jumping up and down. Then she grabbed Len's arm and pulled him out into the hallway.

The hallway looked a very light blue in the light from the large windows. There wasn't many people in it at that time. The two started walking silently, the only noise being their footsteps. Breaking the awkwardness, Len asked with a red face(he's just shy...),

"Do you actually not know where you classes are or... Just just want to be with me..?" She stared at him, her face almost looked puzzled for a moment before she responded,

"Kinda both... But I guess it's mainly the second option... Maybe it's because you seem like the type to be be alone... Maybe because I know that feeling." He stared at her, his eyes wide in wonder. 'Hastune Miku, a widely popular singer, knows loneliness? Is that even possible?' He thought.  

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