Chapter 7: Pancakes for Breakfast

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Mina, arigatou(thanks everyone)! 270 reads sounds like a ton to me(even though I've seen people with 300,000 reads...)! Also, I'm editing/fixing spelling errors on the other chapters if you were wondering... Now let's see what's happening today...


Beep, beep, beep, went Len's alarm clock. He let out a yawn, turned off the alarm and looked at the time.

"4:40..." he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. He took his clothes he'd be wearing for that day, got dressed and headed to the bathroom to style his hair in his usual spike and ponytail. As he brushed his hair,(to get the snarls out before he spiked it) he looked deep into the mirror. The 'haunted' hairbrush brushed an 'invisible' boy's hair. I never understood mirrors... It shows all solid objects, and liquids for that matter, but yet not me. Those girls who never listen in class are always looking in them and doing and redoing their ponytails, french braids and whatever the other types of hairstyles you can have with a band-thing. I heard a rumor that vampires don't show up in mirrors, but it's not like I drink blood, hate onions, die if I go in the light or anything like that. Besides, vampires aren't even real-- they're just legendary creatures based on vampire bats. He thought as he put his hair into a small ponytail. Then he slowly but perfectly spiked his bangs and went to the kitchen.

The kitchen was about as big as one and a half classrooms. Of course, the titles on the floor were white as if they had never even been touched and the black tiles were sparkling. The walls were white as a fresh piece of paper and the workstations were clear and also looked brand new. There were about ten work stations, each with an oven, a microwave, two sinks, a dishwasher, a cutting table about the size of a normal desk, dishes, a restaurant cart and blank counter space about the size of two desks. The dishes were placed not even a millimeter off of where they were supposed to be and the sinks had nothing in them. In the center of the room, there was a giant cart about the size of ten long, rectangular tables put together with lots of food and ingredients. Next to the cart was a perfectly large and white refrigerator with all the cold things in it, perfectly placed inside.

Len glanced at a small, circular clock on the wall, which told him it was 5:20, walked to a station, grabbed the restaurant cart and walked to the cart with all the food on it. He put on the other cart flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, baking soda, milk, butter, eggs, strawberries and blueberries. After walking back to the station, he grabbed a bowl and a whisk.

After 30 minutes, he had two plates with the two most perfect and tasty-looking pancakes with melting butter on top of them on each plate. He took two see-through glasses, a gallon of orange juice, filled the glasses with orange juice, put the glasses on the cart and put the orange juice away. He cleaned up the station, leaving it as he had found it, and pushed the cart to the dining room.

The dining room was as big as half a classroom with absolutely perfect red walls and the most beautiful carpeting that looked like gold, but was really silky(like everything else, I'm sure you'll hear "perfect" a million more times before you finish this chapter). The strong table made from Brazilian rosewood, that was placed in the center of the room, was really long and could've had 12 chairs around it and still be quite comfortable. The two chairs, which lay at each end, were also made of Brazilian rosewood and had red pillows on both of the seats.

Len put the down trays and placed the plates on top of them delicately like they were worth ten million yen on both sides of the table. He placed the orange juice and silverware on the tray next to the pancakes and in their formal spot. From the hallway, he heard his mother's footsteps coming closer. Oh no, if she sees me like this, she'll yell at me! He thought anxiously. Quickly, he raced to his seat and sat down.

"Hmm, you're a little early, Len. Looks like you changed and everything already! What did you make today?" His mother asked, walking into the room.

"I have prepared pancakes, Mother," he said, quickly fixing his posture.

Thanks for reading, people!

(editted note): As for the updates, they will usually be on Fridays/Saturdays

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