Chapter 10: Can I?

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I'm so sorry this was late!! I was just about to start writing five(it was actually five times, I'm not exaggerating/guessing it) different times when I was interrupted before I could even type a single letter and was not able to write for the rest of the day because the person who took it used it at least until I had to go to bed... It makes me mad whenever it happens because I'm serious about uploading it every week... Then, I had a really busy week. I had a concert, a 12 hour trip and a meeting. I made myself do a chapter for an apology AND this week's chapter AND last week's chapter. Gomen(sorry)!!

Edit: I was going to update all three chapters at once, but the laptop was stolen from me AGAIN so I do have the next to chapters, but the last one won't be published until 9:00 assuming Baka-onii-chan will actually not say, "oh, thirty more minutes." Ten times over.... Yeah, so now it's six times it's been snatched, 5 times snatched for the rest of the day. I'm seriously mad right now...


It was dinner time and Len had just finished putting the food carefully on the table with silver dishes underneath them. He was dressed formally with a black tuxedo and everything. His hair was let down and his bangs were put to the side kind of like Rin's, but his had almost looked a little curly. He had his left arm relaxed at his side and in front of him was his right arm with a towel over his arm. Seeing his mother walk in, he walked to her seat and formally helped her get seated.

(-* haha I mean when you politely pull the chair out and push it back in when someone(usually a girl) sits down)

"Mother," he began, "I was wondering if maybe I um, could be excused from my duties on Friday at 8:00..?" He stepped a few steps back so he wasn't in his mother's personal space.

"Did I give you permission to speak, Len?" His mother said boredly but angrily, looking at him through the corner of her eye. He lowered his head and slowly shook his head left to right silently. She sighed, "You'll make it up to me later... but what are you hoping to do on Friday? You may speak."

"U-um, my friend wanted me to go to a concert with them and-" he paused when his mom gave an uninterested look, "I-It's a jazz band...?" He sounded uncertain, not sure if his mom would buy it or not. Another lie. She nodded and replied,

"Jazz is good for you. You have permission to go, however," she said, "You must clean the whole kitchen tomorrow with a rag when you get home from school because you broke a rule." Len quickly nodded and bowed. (*- if you're wondering, studies show that jazz is good for you... how'd I find that out again? idk... here's a random link that tells you what it does XD ...No, I don't really listen to jazz)


"Rin! It's time to eat!" Rin's mother called from the kitchen.

"Coming!" Rin yelled back from her room and texting Rana goodbye. She put her phone on her desk, walked to the table and sat down in her seat, as her father and Yohio joined her.

"Thanks for the meal," Yohio, Rin and their father said and started to eat with their mom.

"So Rin, anything interesting happen at school today?" her mother asked. 

"Actually, yeah! Rana invited me to go with her and a group of friends to Hastune Miku's concert this Friday! Can I go?" Her mother smiled and noded,

"Of course! It's good for you to hang out with your friends." she replied.

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