Chapter 18: Pink Power

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It had been over a whole year after that day, those events, had happened. They seemed so far away, but yet so close. Yet, how much had changed since that day? The day when their eyes met? It didn't seem like much, but when something changes so slowly, how can anyone tell really? Yet when someone looks back on their path, they wonder how they didn't realize they had come so far before.

It was Summer, and the last day of school was over. Rin and Len sat at one table at the cafe while Gumi and Rana sat at another. In their hands, they all held a vanilla ice cream on a cone. Len looked quite grown up compared to when he and Rin met and she looked a little more matured as well. Yet, the cafe hadn't changed at all it seemed.

"Hey Rin?" he asked, looking up from the pure white food.

"Yeah?" she replied after swallowing the ice cream in her mouth. He suddenly realized he had blindly gotten her attention while not realizing he wanted to touch a sensitive subject. Even if they were best friends, he knew it wasn't the best idea to ask her, yet he couldn't help his curiosity.

"I-it's nothing," He stuttered. Rin had puffed out her cheeks and said,

"Len, you're always like this. We're bestfriends, aren't we? You know you can ask me anything, right?" Gumi and Rana just looked at them and sighed. It wasn't uncommon for this conversation to happen between the two, and it usually had the same ending no matter what was in Len's head that time.

"I know but... I don't think I should," he replied, looking down slightly and trying to hide behind the ice cream in his hand.

"He's doing better," Rin explained calmly. Sometimes she didn't need words from him. Sometimes he didn't need words from her. Yet, they surprised each other every time.

"The tests went well?" he asked, awkwardly licking his ice cream.

"Better than expected," she concluded. That was all that needed to be said they realized as a cloud of awkwardness spread between them. After a minute of licking their ice creams, a smile crept on Rin's face.

"No way! Did you..?" he said suddenly, lifting his head.

"Get the tickets to Luka's concert next weekend for the two of us? Of course I did!" She finished. They both smiled as they gave each other a high five. They had everything in common it seemed.


Len finally had sat down at the long dinner table with a waiting feast on it. It ranged from grapes to bread, mash potatoes to cake and chicken to corn.

"You may speak." His mother finally said to break the silence. He swallowed the food in his mouth that seemed to be made perfect and replied,

"Mother, my friend invited me to watch a movie next week Friday. May I go?" He put a spoonful of hot mashed potatoes in his mouth. He smiled as it danced on his tongue.

"If you vacuum the whole house the day before, you may go." She replied calmly. He nodded his head and said,


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