Chapter 20: Quiet Mondays

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It was monday morning, the worst day of the week. However, Rin, who was sitting on bench near her school, was smiling. She searched the crowd of students heading to the building by herself. After a few minutes, she glanced at her watch then back at the crowd. Even though the crowd was making a lot of noise, not a single sound escaped from her lips. Three more minutes passed but nothing really changed at all. In the distance, she heard the warning bell from the school telling her she only had five minutes until her first class started. She scanned the small crowd, sighed and headed to class alone.

At lunch, she walked around, holding her bento box in front of her. Once again, she was looking through the crowd. She wasn't exactly smiling, but she wasn't exactly frowning either. Suddenly, she saw a flash of green and pink.

"Gumi, Rana!" she called, chasing after them.

"Oh, Rin! There you are, we were looking all over for you!" Gumi said, waiting for her friend to catch up then started walking again.

"Yeah!" Rana said, doing the same for her friend. They headed to a room and began eating. The table had four chairs around it, Rin and Rana sat on one side while Gumi sat across from Rin. As Rana started talking about an anonymous love letter she had found in her locker that morning, Rin found herself staring at the empty chair. 'Did they forget him? It seems like it. . . I guess he must have gotten sick or something. . . I hope he gets better soon. . . Did I actually call this normal before though? Without him?' She slipped back into reality as Gumi was saying,

"Well, I don't think it was him because I remember hearing him say something like 'I don't have time for a girlfriend even if I wanted one. I have too many sports to play."

"What about that one guy who never talks in our class. . . Um. . . silver-white hair. . . Neon blue eyes. . ." Rin trailed off, jumping back into the conversation.

"Oh! You mean Piko?!" Rana basically yelled.

"Yeah, him. He wouldn't have the guts to tell you in person I'm sure." Rin replied, confident in her answer. The bell suddenly rang, ruining their conversation. They said their quick goodbyes, grabbed their things and went to their next class.

A week later, the three ladies met in front of the school building right when the warning bell rang to tell them to hurry up.

"Len's still sick must be," Rin sighed, kicking the ground then started walking inside the building with her two friends. After a long silence, she looked up to her friends making wierd faces.

"L-Len. . ?" Gumi asked slowly. Rin opened her mouth to respond, but Rana cried,

"Rin! I am so proud of you!"

"Wait, What?! Why?!" Rin asked, more confused than ever.

"You got a boyfriend!" Rana declared proudly. Some people in the hallway stopped what they were doing and looked over at the three.

"Len must be your boyfriend, right?" Rana asked.

"D-do you guys not remember him or something. . ?" Rin stuttered.

"I've never met anyone named Len." Gumi said.

"Well, I wanted to name a cat Len once, but my mom wouldn't let me keep him," Rana replied.

"You guys don't remember him at all?!" Rin cried in alarm.  

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