chapter 5: Hello

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Hello everyone! I added something! Okay, so I noticed that this got a hundred reads. I've seen a lot more popular books, but this is my most popular book anyway. I just want to say thanks for those of you who have read it and if you have any suggestions, go ahead and suggest them. Well, talking is boring, so lets just move on...

Oh yeah, this the "code" for writing. See ya! ^^

Dear Diary

I met a boy named Len today. He's that 'twin' boy I mentioned a few days ago. Now that I met him, I'm not sure if he really is my twin. I mean, he acts quite like me in some ways after you accept him and he gets hyper, but I don't know, It's kind of nearly-impossible to be someone's twin who you have never seen. I asked him what he thought about it. It was kind of awkward asking, though. Then I asked him if he'd like to talk about our backgrounds at the cafe-- again uncomfortable-- but he made up a lame excuse and ran away like a chicken. I wonder why... Maybe something happened?

Kagamine Rin


The next day after school, Rin walked out of school with Rana and Gumi. Since it was a lovely day, Rana was wearing her favorite dress what was light blue and sleeveless, Gumi wore an orange tank top with a green unzipped sweatshirt and green pants and Rin wore a white t-shirt that said "I'm treble" with a picture of a treble clef and light grey pants.

"Hey guys, guess what I got~!" Rana sung, "I got tickets to Hastune Miku's concert next week friday!"

"But wasn't it hard to get those?! I hear they usually sell all the tickets within an hour!" Gumi cried.

"Oh Gumi, don't tell me you're a fan of her too..." Rin moaned.

"Rin, just admit you like her too. I saw her Ivan Polkka poster on your desk last time I went to your house." Rana said. Rin stayed quiet.

(*-- If you want to make it more dramatic, start the youtube video)

I-I suddenly have this feeling, like-like someone's coming, but it isn't just anyone... I-I can feel their heartbeat... I can tell it's not mine... It's getting louder...! Their coming closer..! W-who is it?! I-I think it's someone important, like I'm always supposed to know when they go and when they leave, when they're actually happy and when they're actually sad... They're right next to me..! Rin thought. She turned around to find Len right behind her.

"Wah!" He cried, losing his balance out of surprise and falling on his bottom, "Owwwwwww... That hurt....."

"How did you..?" Rana and Gumi exclaimed.

"Um... I kind of... Um... I-it's hard to explain, I guess..." Rin replied with a shrug, "Hey Len, wanna go to that cafe I told you about with us?"

"Um... I-I guess..." He's shy again? Rin thought.

"Let's go!" Rana cried, dragging everyone to the cafe in a dash.


Everyone burst through the door quickly in this order: Rana, Rin, Gumi and Len. A bell jingled over the door and Nana, who was washing the counter, turned around with a bright smile. The cafe was empty, but so clean that it was obvious only one or two people had been there that day.

"Welcome back girls! The usual right?" she asked. Rin nodded. Then Nana noticed Len.

"Oh, did you bring a friend?" She asked, walking to them. She looked closely at his face as if she was noting every little detail in his face so she could paint a perfect picture of him later. Her face was expressionless. She's kinda creepy... he thought nervously. After about three minutes, she finally stopped staring and asked,

"What's your name?"

"Um... K-kagamine L-len..." he answered.

"Well Len, come with me," she said as she lead him into the kitchen. He watched as the three girls sat at a table as if he didn't even exist. The kitchen was small, but appropriate size for the small cafe. It was clean, but the floor needed to be retiled in a few spots and the white tiles weren't as white as they were when they were put in Len could tell. If my kitchen looked like this, Mother would be so mad at me, but yet she doesn't seem to notice! he thought.

"Len," she said with the same expressionless face, "I knew it was you."


Twenty minutes passed after Nana and Len went in the kitchen. Where are they?! Rin thought with an anger mark starting to appear.

"So what's your favorite song by Hastune Miku?!" Rana cried.

"Well, I kinda like 'Tell Your World'..." Gumi said calmly.

"But what about 'World is Mine'? It's better than 'Tell Your World', right Rin?" Rana asked.

"Actually, I kind of like 'Love is War'..." Rin said. Suddenly Nana and Len walked out of the kitchen. Len was holding a yellow smoothie,which he was currently drinking from, and an orange smoothie while Nana was holding a piece of carrot cake and a cupcake. They set down the things in the right spots then Nana walked away as he sat down.

"What took so long?" Rin asked. Len sucked on his banana smoothie and mumbled,

"Nothing..." There was a moment of silence.

"Hey Len! When's your birthday?!" Rana cried.

"December 27..." he said with a puzzled look.

"That's my birthday too..." Rin said, "Guess that is more evidence that we're twins, but it all could still be a coincidence. Say, do you have a father? What about a mother?"


Len was shocked. W-where did that come from?! There's no way I can tell them the truth... W-what should I tell them?! he thought, starting to panic.

"Um... Uh..." he stuttered, but then he took a deep breath and said, "My mother died last year and my dad... He... is a... merchant! Yeah, he travels the world selling random goods. I-it's actually a well-paying job..!" Len mentally sighed. I know it's bad to lie, but I don't want them to know the truth. And besides, my mother is dead to me anyway and it's not like I actually see my father, he thought.

"O-oh.. I probably shouldn't have asked that... I'm sorry for your loss, Len." Rin said, and to his surprise, she hugged him with a tears in her eyes.

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