Chapter 4 Bowlin' Match

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A few days after her friends went 'twin crazy', Rin was walking to her house with Rana on the sidewalk..

"You know, it's nice you live next door," Rin said, "I enjoy walking home with you. That is, unless there's a 80% off sale on clothes... Haha, I'm joking!" Then Rin laughed.

"Oh, that reminds me... There is a 95% off sale tomorrow in that mall downtown," Rana said with a joking smile. There was a moment of silence.

"Hey Rana, I bet I could beat you to my house!" Rin claimed and started running.

"But these aren't my running shoes..!" Rana complained, but Rin was too far away to hear at that point. She shrugged and started running anyway.

"Haha I'm gonna beat you~!" Rin sung as she glanced back. That moment she clunked heads with someone who had just so happened to be running too.

"Owww..." They both moaned at the exact same time, "S-sorry!! It's my fault!" They both looked up. The person that Rin had clunked heads with was a blonde with spiked hair and a small ponytail. His shirt was kind of sailor-ish, but instead of a bow, he had a cool-looking tie and his pants were black and baggy. I feel like.. Like... That boy is supposed to be someone important... Important to me somehow... But just don't know why... Rin thought. After five minutes of looking at each other, Rana caught up to Rin and tried to catch her breath.

"It's... You..!" Rana said, still gasping for air. The two looked up at her silently, still on the ground. They had the same look on their face and their eyes were as big as each other's and not a hair off. Rana expected them to say something, but they were dead silent, then they went back to looking into each other's eyes.

"U-um... I'm Len..." Len said, getting up and extending his hand, totally forgetting about Rana. Rin looked up and placed her hand in Len's. You know, in romance movies it's literally like this. . . Dang it! I am going to have ninety-five kids..! Wait... Did he say... 'Len'?!" Rin thought, kind of shocked.

"Are you going to get up?" Len asked with a teasing smile.

"U-um..." Rin said. I stuttered. The girl always stutters when they first meet. I really have no idea about this whole 'twin' thing, but I better not be falling for him! she thought. She took her hand away and got up while she said,

"Humph... I can get up by myself."

"Sorry..." Len muttered, looking away, " I should be more mature..." Mature? But- but he was just being a gentleman..? Rin wondered.

"No-no! It's not your fault, er... Len..?" Rin asked.

"That is the name that I am addressed by just as I told you, yes..." He said, looking down at his shoes like she was the queen or something. There was another moment of silence. They're going to need a lot of help, Rana thought, and fast. Rana grabbed both Rin and Len and did a dash to a nearby bowling alley.

"A bowling alley..?" Rin and Len asked at the same time. They glanced at each other.

"Well, what'd you expect?" Rana asked. They both shrugged. Rana walked to the counter and laid some money down.

"Two people, one game," she said, making her hands into two fists, her thumbs sticking out facing Rin and Len who were behind her.

"And you, Miss?" the person behind the counter asked, realizing there were three people.

"I'm leaving now," Rana said, then went out the door.

"Well, she already paid, we might as well bowl," Rin whispered to Len. He nodded. They walked up to the counter and got shoes. After they got everything set, Rin took the first turn. She took a yellow 10-pound ball, rolled it and got a strike.

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