Chapter 4

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I ignored him and started running with my board. I jump on it and slid down the dip. I could hear the scratches of the wheels on the concrete. Sliding and gliding while I did tricks and went as fast as possible.

This was my home. Where I felt free. But no one besides Paul knew that.

After about ten minutes, I decided to stop and get some water. And of corse the drink Machine was near Jacob. Great.

I got my drink without a word from him. The took a sip. I sighed as I twisted the cap back on and he stood up and walked over to me.

"Hey." He said. Did I miss something? When were we friends?

"Um...hi." I said. "Thanks for last night by the way. I could have bled out." He said. "No. You wouldn't. You weren't losing a lot of blood." I said.

"True. But anyway, are you gonna be at your own party tonight? Because most times your locked in your room."

Which was true.

"Maybe. Why do you care?" I asked. He shoved his hands in his pockets. "No reason. Just....trying to make new friends I guess. I'm not much of a people person."

I laughed. Really loud. And a lot. My stomach actually hurt bad. My hat fell off and I could barley reach and grab it. My eyes were watering and i fell to the ground laughing like a hyena.

I could hear him Chuckling a little. Probably at my laugh.

"What?" He asked smiling at me. I shook my head and tried to calm myself. He walked over and held out a hand as I continued to laugh and helped me to my feet.

"You say that like its true." I smiled and put my hat back on backwards. Fixing my hair along with it. He smiled but opened his mouth. "Bitch." He said. I laughed again.

"Bastard." He pulled his hands out of his pockets and came to me. I tried running but he grabbed me from behind by the waist and picked me up high. I laughed and smiled as he spun me around a couple times.

He had me trapped to his chest. And he had a tight grip all around my waist. "Stop!" I laughed trough my words. "Hell no!" he laughed through his to.

He fell a minute later. I dont know how he ended up on his back and I was on top of him. With my chest on his. But for some reason we both still smiled and laughed.

"Great going dipshit." I laughed. I put my hands beside his head to get myself up but he put his hands on my waits to stop me. I was half smiling.

Wait, I was smiling at that!


He was smiling fully though. "Wait....." He whispered. I raised one eyebrow at him. "For what?" He didn't answer. For a couple minutes neither of us said anything. Just stared Into each other eyes as my hands were starting to get cold on the concrete and tiring because that was the only thing holding me up. Then his hands were still at my waist.

Which I didn't hate.

He smiled and finally let go of my waist I pushed myself up and grabbed my board. I smiled and started walking down I the sidewalk slowly. "Thanks for being a stalker." I said flunking two fingers off my forehead towards him.

He smiled and started walking beside me. "No problem. Anytime."


"Wait? He wanted to stay like that? In that position?" Paul said. I grabbed the last bit of stuff from my locker and slammed it shut.

"Don't you pay attention when I tell you stuff? Yes. He did." And so did I! But I'm DEFINITELY not telling you that. Or anyone for a matter of fact.

"Wow. Player." He mumbled. I sighed in agreement. "Yep." Even though he wanted to break up with my stepsister. But then he goes and flirts with me. You know, no biggie.

We walked into first class, which I don't even remember he was in that class also. He was in my third and first core.

When we walked in, he was sitting in my seat. And he was early. So there was plenty of other seats. I walked over to it and put my stuff on the desk.

"You mind?" I asked. "No. You can sit with me." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Move." I said. "Make me." "Okay." I grabbed his arm and yanked him up. He got wide eyes at me. I smiled and took my seat.

Of course he just sat in the seat beside me. While Paul was laughing in the other.

"You got some muscle." He said. I smiled and turned in my seat. "You say that like I didn't know it." He smiled. "Your a real smart ass."

"Thank you. And your a real dickhead." I was half tempted to laugh. Half at what I said, and Half at Paul's retarted laugh.

Yet, Jacob still smiled. Which is weird because most people would be pissed at me. "Your hilarious." He said laughing and turning straight in his seat. As did I.

I still smiled as class started.

Paul still laughed as mrs. Thomas tried to take roll call. She tried to get him to shut up, but he wouldn't listen. I was starting I get really annoyed.

"Paul please shut the fuck up. Please. Just do us all a favour and shut the hell up."

I'm not sure if it was what I said, or the fact that I only made Paul laugh more, but the whole class started laughing.

Which, made me laugh.

Which, also got me in trouble.

"Was that nessasary to make him and the whole class laugh more ms.Collins?" Oh pa-lease!

I raised my eyebrows at her. "I was trying to get the little fucker to shut up. Is that a punishment?" The class laughed more. This was kinda normal sometimes. I thinks it's why no one bothered to mess with me.

"No, but using improper language is." Aw shit. How many times did I cuss? Like....three or four.

"Come on, I'm sure you've cussed before. Go ahead and cuss at all these students to get them to shut the fuck up also." Shit! Another cuss word.

What makes it a cuss word?

"Go to the principles office now." She said pointing towards the door. I sighed and stood. I pointed a finger at Paul.

"This is all your fucking fault." I said. He covered his mouth to try and keep from laughing. I smiled and walked out of class.

Time for more bullshit.

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