Chapter 28

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I cried into my pillow for hours.

If you didn't go come here my life would be fine!"

If you didn't go come here my life would be fine!"

If you didn't go come here my life would be fine!"

This sentence he said kept going through my mind. Over....and over....and over again. Which only made me want to cry more.

He said he loved me.

Sounds like he lied.

He practically told me that if I hadn't been here, then he wouldn't be this mess. I kinda agreed with him. Nothing in my life was good anymore. The not good thing I ever had was Jacob. And Paul. Nothing else. My family's fucking horrible. As are my adoptive ones.

No. I can jut end all this. End this horrible life I have. Make everyone happy.

It as easy as turning off the light.

I jumped when I heard my phone go off.

Paul: I heard what happened to you and Jacob. Can you come over?

I did answer. I simply put my phone on my dresser and stood up. I grabbed a pen and paper and started writing.


Paul's POV

"Jacob she won't answer my texts." I said with the phone pressed to my ear.

"What?! She ran home after we fought. Dude I really screwed up. I was just angry and I didn't mean what I said. I never want her to leave me. I never did. Please Paul, you have to help me."

"I'm trying my best dude. If you get your ass over here right now I'll drive us I her house."

"I'll be over in five minutes."

I sighed and hung up. "Mom I'm going to Ashly's!" I yelled as I walked down the stairs. "Be back by eleven!" She shouted from the kitchen. "Don't worry!" I opened the door and went to my car.

Sooner or later Jacob hopped in. "Hit it." He said. I sighed and drive away.

It took us ten minutes to get there and he practically jumped out while we were pulling in.

He ran up the door and I followed. We ignored the hate glances from Abby's mom. He got upstairs before me and when I went up there he was holding a piece of paper in his hands.

"Dude.....we need to read this." Jacob said. I walked to him and looked at the paper.

I'm sick of this. I can't stand this anymore. I left. I'm not telling where because I don't want you to find me. I know you'll try to find me anyway Jacob and Paul. So I'm not going to bother trying to tell you otherwise.

It's not what you said that made me leave Jacob. It's everything. What you said made me realize.....that its true. If I hadn't gone to the school. If I hadn't gone to any school.

If I didn't live.

I hate my life. That's why I'm ending it. The only good thing I ever had was you two. I love you guys. And I'm sorry for anything I did.


Skater girl.

I could feel the tears on my face. He dropped the paper and fell to the ground. Burring his face in his arms and sobbed as hard as he could. I did the same.

She was my best sister for fucks sake. I lover her. But not in the way Jacob did. He was IN love with her. This had to be ten times worse on him than me.

We cried for twenty minutes straight, before he stood. "We have to find her." He said with a stern voice. I stood and wiped away some tears. "Where would she be?" I asked.

Where would someone trying I kill theirselves go?

"I don't know. I'll call nine one one in the car. Lets drive around the streets and see if we see her. We can't just sit here and cry all night. I have to find her. I will find her.

No matter how hard it takes.


Jacobs POV

I lost her. I'm an idiot. I didn't mean what I said. I was pissed and blabbing random things that didn't mean anything. That's the last thing I would want her to feel. I want her to feel loved, when I know I'm the only one that does.

I want her to feel wanted, when I'm the only one that wants her to myself. I want her to feel like she's worth something because I know she is. She's my whole life. My world. I don't care about nothing but her anymore.

Wither anyone likes it or not.

I'm madly in love with her.

Nothing anyone could do or say would change that. Even if he told me I was the worst person she knew and she hated me and never loved me, I'd still love her to death. Because I'm so in love with her.

That's how strong my love for her is.

And I'm never taking it for granted.

I didn't know that you could care for someone this much. To want to protect them. To keep them to yourself. To let no one even look at her wrong, without me putting them six feet down.

I am not going to stop until I find her. Until she's mine again. Until I know she's okay and safe.


Hey guys! So I know this one is a bit shorter than usual but I needed to give you guys an update because I try to give an update everyday. Trust me when I say I KNOW that there are A LOT of grammar issues.

When I type it in, it does stupid auto correct and messes it up. I'm going to start doing better about it. Thank you all for reading "my sisters, bad boy." and I hope you like it.

Love y'all!

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