chapter- 1

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Hello guys
Hope you all are fine
I am here with the first chapter
Do shower your love

A boy is laying on a stretcher unconscious suddenly he opens his eyes and speaks
Boy - omg my head it's paining like hell and where the fuck I am and who are you why are you staring at me

Suddenly a girl comes and hugs him and speaks
Girl - omg u got counciousness I was so scared a..(she was cut by the boy)

Boy - who are you what's your name and my my what is my name I couldn't remember

Girl - don't think so much baby I will tell you your name is (mysterious name ) and I am your love baby

Boy's pov
Is she telling truth actually some images are coming in my mind but they are not clear everything coming is blur and if I am trying to focus my headache o my god what's happening but by the images and feeling I can say that I have a girl in my life and I love her soo much maybe she is the one
Pov ends

Girl - where are you what are thinking dont take too much stress and eat something and don't pressurise your mind for remembering anything please

Boy - ok fine

Boy's pov
By seeing her concern I can definitely tell she is the one but I do t know why I am not getting good vibes

4 years later

A girl is sitting on her bed in her room lost in her thoughts suddenly door knocks she doesn't reacts as she was lost door knocks 3- 4 times but didn't responded then the person comes in

Person- beta you didn't came for breakfast

Girl - ....

Person shakes the girl and  she speaks

Girl - yes what did you said I didn't listen

Person - (a tear escaped from her eye ) beta come lets have breakfast

Girl - (not looking at the person) I am not hungry

Person - (controlling her tears )  please avu forget everything just move on I can't see you like this please beta please (tears rolled down her cheeks)

Avu - (wiping person's tears ) please maa don't cry I can't see you crying please maa and I will do whatever you say but please don't cry

( A/N -so person is avu's mom (AM ) and girl is avu )

AM -ok come have breakfast with us

Avu stood up and went downstairs with her mom to have breakfast

On dining tabe

They all were sitting silently eating except avu she was just sitting silently but not eating anything then Am broke the silence

AM - avu eat na beta

Avu - yes mom I am eating ( starts eating)

AM - avu I want to talk to you about something very important

Avu - yes mom say

( Avu's dad as AD )

AD - ( knowing what she wants to talk about ) Sonia please let her eat first then speak whatever you want

AM - ok fine beta you eat first

Avu - hmm

They finished there breakfast

AM - see avu this is very important and please don't leave without listening the whole thing and answering

AD - yes beta atleast listen the whole thing for us

AM - so avu my best friend lives in America I met her some days ago she has came here to spend sone time with her son

Avu was not feeling comfortable after listening about her son she was getting a strange vibe

AM and AD - (in unison) she has asked us for your hand for her son ( they sighed )

Avu - .....(she was shocked )

AM- avu please don't deny and I have told you many times that you have to move on it has been 4 years now and you

Avu - maa it's not that easy to move on and forget your past

AD - avu answer my one question do you love me your mom jai you love your family or not

Avu - afcourse I do i can do anything for u, mom and jai you a are my everything

AM - you have told me that you can do anything for me na

AD - and you have told us that you can do anything for 3 of us

Am - don't deny to this proposal please for me for us please

Avu- ok fine ( stood up and ran to her room crying and locked the room )

791- words

That's all for today
Hope you liked the chapter
Shower your love
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Apology for any mistake or error happens

Meet u in Next chapter
Till then take care
Spread your love on my other book too

Thank you

Stay tuned

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