FALLING (chapter - 5)

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Author's pov
After finishing their breakfast avu took the plates and kept in the sink she was thinking how to tell arnav about her treatment she went to room and saw arnav was getting ready for his office she was in her thoughts when she heard a familiar voice interrupting her thoughts
Pov ends

Arnav- avu where are you lost you can ask or share anything

Avu - actually arnav  I just wanted to ask you ...

Arnav - speak up girl I won't kill you (sarcastically)

Avu - umm I want to go out to meet a friend       can I ?

Arnav - (in anger ) NO

Avu - ( shocked )

Arnav - ( laughing) (Holding her shoulders ) avu I was kidding you can go anywhere without my permission too but remember to just inform me so that I have an idea where you are going

Avu - ok thank you

Arnav - you know what avu you are not my friend anymore

Avu - (realises that she spoke thank you ) ok fine sorry I wont thank you

Arnav - ( in frustration ) avuuu...

Avu started laughing at her stupidity and his frustration and arnav felt good after seeing her laughing for the first time and a smile came on his face too

Arnav - ok so if you want I can drop you

Avu - no it would be fine I'll book a cab

Arnav - ok as you wish

Arnav got ready and went to his office avu also got ready and left for  the clinic after arnav left

In office

Arnav's pov
Her  thoughts are not leaving my mind I am physically present in my office but mentally I am with her all the movements are again and again running in my mind in full speed and I never felt something like this in past four years yes I am in relationship with jannat from four years but never got a feel like I got with avu and when I saw her laughing today I felt that I was achieved something
While thinking abut her a wide and natural  smile automatically came on my face and my one hand moves to my hair caressing them
Wait wait wait am I falling for her no no no this can't happen otherwise that jannat will kill me but we are in relationship from four years but I never felt like I love her she always says that she loves me but if it comes to me by saying I love you doesn't means you love someone it is a feel which can't be expressed through words and I don't even feel  attached to her but I can't do anything as she has done many things for me l can't hurt her and if I speak about ATTACHMENT  I am surely Attached with avneet
Oh my god I'll drive crazy today I must go meet him only he can get me a solution to this problem

In clinic

Introducing Rohan Mehra Psychiatrist by profession a very good friend , good by nature , a jolly personality

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Introducing Rohan Mehra
Psychiatrist by profession a very good friend , good by nature , a jolly personality

Avu -may I come in

Rohan - yes

Avu -  ( got in and greeted Rohan ) good afternoon Rohan

Rohan - hey avu good afternoon good to see you after a long time how are you doing

Avu - fine I want to share many things with you (cut by Rohan )

Rohan - ok but today we'll talk some casual things not like patient and doctor but like good friends and you can tell me those things afterwords in next meet ok

Avu - hmm ok

Rohan - so let's go to the garden because as you know I dont like to deal with my friends in hospital and you are my special friend (winking)

Avu - ok ( smiling )

They went to the garden

Rohan - BTW. Your mom told me that you got married

Avu - yaa

Rohan - congratulations (side hugging avu )

Avu - thanks (hugging him back )

Rohan - so now I am very sad because my friend is not going to meet me

Avu - Rohan the thing is that       that I haven't moved on I am just going with the flow and I have married just for my parents happiness and that is all

Rohan - oh so you are saying you did it unwillingly

Avu - yes I just don't know but now a days I am missing him more and you know what the whom I am married to also knows that I ma hiding something

Rohan - so the guy don't force you or something as you are his wife now

Avu - no actually he was  also pressurised to marry me and he is a good person he is my friend now

Rohan - oh that's nice

Avu - hmm

Rohan - ok now we should finish it up I have to get somewhere

Avu - ( sarcastically) hmm I know where you wanna go somebody is waiting haa

Rohan - laughed you know what I like this teasing avu the most ( winking)

They both hugged each other and bid bye and went on their ways

Avu reached home when she went inside arnav was already their but he was behaving strange

Avu - hey you are back early today

Arnav - so you want me to come late

Avu - I didn't mean that

Arnav - ( fuming in anger ) SO WHAT DO YOU MEAN AVNEET KAUR

Avu  -( shocked by his behaviour) (stammering) what is wrong with you

Words - 958

That's  all for today guys

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