chapter - 2

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Hello guys
Hope you guys alright
This is another chapter for u

Two months later

assume the above song playing while reading this chapter

Avu's pov
Today is my marriage in some hours and i am sitting in my room and 2-3 girls or we can call ladies are getting me ready and asking some weird questions that can make a bried shy but honestly I am nor interested in their talks neither in this marriage I am just doing this because of my parents and jai and I know u all must be thinking that marriage is a dream of every girl but this was my dream 4 years ago and now the situation is different I am just going with the flow and the main thing is that I love my bro and he couldn't come ....after I was fully dressed someone came and told us to come downstairs and 2-3 girls came along to take me
Pov ends

All went downstairs and all the rituals began

Avu's pov
After some rituals I heard the priest saying 'vivah sampan hua' and that's it this line was enough for my parents to broke down on the spot as they love me the most infact more then jai we took elders blessings and when we went to my parents they were crying badly and by seeing them I also broke down and then after a tight hug and some mom's advices it was time to leave and it was the most emotional movement and 4 years ago just by thinking of this movement I used to cry and he used console me and hug me his hug , that warmth I can't even think of forgetting
Just thinking of him a smile came on my face and then suddenly this smile changed into sadness and with that expression on my face I left yes I left my home the home where I lived my whole life till now The home where I was born The home where my brother was born and I was too stubborn that when he was a month old I used to ask mom to give him in my lap The home where we grown up The home where we share every movement, every emotion, either it is sorrow or happiness The home where jai left me and my parents and went abroad for further studies and didn't even returned on my marriage
After thinking this much I sat in the car  not without taking the last glance of MY HOME YES MY HOME
pov ends

(A/N -i had tears in my eyes while I was writing this if you had the same emotion while reading do comment and do tell me the most emotional moment in your life in comments )

Skips to the groom's room
Their first night

Avu's pov
I am sitting on a king sized bed the room is well designed and furnished waiting for my husband to come ok don't stare at me like that yes willingly or non willingly he is my husband as now we are tied in a relationship
I have met him 5-6 time non willingly before marriage and when we get somewhere their was complete silence between us we didn't utter a single word except them hii/hello and bye my chain of thought was broken by the sound of door yes you guys guess it right the person is my husband he came near the bed and spoke

(A/N - husband will be hus )

Hus - hello

Avu - hii

Hus - how are you

Avu -fine what about you

Hus - hmm I am fine too but I want to tell you an important thing

Avu - yes say

Hus- I want to clear one thing that I know you are my wife we are tied in an relationship but if we keep all of that aside it is an arranged marriage and i was pressurise to marry you I love someone else

Avu - ( without uttering a single word stood up and went to the couch )

Hus - ( he was shocked by avu as didn't reacted but just moved )

Husband's pov
After she moved to the couch I took my laptop and sat at one side of bed I was trying to work on my laptop but I couldn't concentrate yes she has an effect on me her presence affect me and I get good vibes when she is with me but the fate has played with me I love ( mysterious name ) and I really feel bad about avneet that I can't give her what she deserves and I didn't told her to move to the couch she can sleep at the other side of bad but I think she must not be comfortable that's ok
And yes I am starring at her from side of my eyes she is laying and I can see tiredness on her face but don't know why she is not sleeping and just watching something in her phone and she is in deep thoughts as she didn't realised that I am starring her from last 30 minutes
I closed the laptop and lay on my bad she isn't sleep yet but I am feeling very tired I drifted to sleep not before taking my medicines
Pov ends

That's it for today guys
Hope you all like the chapter
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Thank you for spreading your love on previous parts

See you all in next part
Till then take care
- afreen

Stay tuned

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