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Sorry for tricking you but it is important


Guys I am very very disappointed by the your response on the previous chapter of "Is he my second love" ........ I get 350+ comments in every chapter and here  I got only 93 comments  ....... moreover you all want update from me ....... the one who don't  even comment or complement the chapter, comments  for updating  soon and 'when will you update' ....... you want update cause you are liking it right then why r u guys not voting and commenting  ....... I am really very disappointed , if this us the response I am gonna get tgen sorry I do have many works to do and many books to update so I'll update whenever I'll feel like ........ I always kept this book as my first priority and updated too but after getting previous  chapters response I a highly  disappointed and demotivated  ......... tell me if you aren't  liking it ........I will understand  ....... there are only 1or 2 chapters left in that book and I thought  of giving  you all epilogue and some bonus chapters but I am thinking  of changing  my mind ......... if you guys don't  want me to change my mind then go and comment on the previous chapter

Thank you
-your highly disappointed author

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