Scared Arnav (chapter-11)

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Hello readers

Hope you all are doing well

I am here with the next chapter

It is an early update because I am very happy (don't ask me the reason ) so please appreciate my efforts by voting and commenting

Hope you will like it

Arnav cupped her face and wiped her tears

Avu's pov
I was so deep in my memories that I didn't realise my  tears falling from my eyes I realised them when arnav started  wiping them  I don't know why but these word " I am sorry " released from my mouth and with this I took my steps towards the washroom cause I don't wanted to broke down In front of arnav  but before I can take another step I felt a touch on my wrist , A Familiar touch

Yes it was arnav he held my wrist and stopped me to get to the washroom then he turned me around and then he took me in his embrace I hugged him back in fraction of seconds and I broke down in his embrace as this was the only thing needed. A hug , this is the thing  needed for me to express all the emotions  

(A/N - me too )

And I was taken out of my thinking when I heard him saying " you know what today I bathe twice , first time I myself and second time you made me" 
I aparted the hug and saw he was without his shirt oh my god I was red by now in shame       and the thing was I had a long conversation with him but I didn't noticed that he was without shirt   and he too didn't told me     I tried my best to not look at him but he turned my face towards him      and now we are face to face   and I can guess it that he noticed my redness till now but he interrupted my thoughts again and he  spoke up with a smile " it's okay avu.   I was just kidding. Just to lighten the atmosphere"

After he finished speaking I noticed a mark on him a similar mark then  I asked him pointing towards the mark " is this a birthmark or any injury " he took a look at that mark and spoke  "this one , it's  a birthmark " my eyes widened in shock that how can arnav have the same birthmark as him

Arnav looked at me in confusion and spoke " what happened why are you shocked " and I replied stammering.  "N.. Nothing " and headed to the washroom
Pov ends

Arnav's pov
After she went to washroom I wore my shirt and went in the living room and sat on the sofa  thinking about the events took place and about her weird reaction when she knew about my birthmark and with this I also started recalling things, the past memories or things and my head started paining. Actually it didn't stopped paining as I am having fever

Yes I am still sick and suddenly I was taken out of my thoughts when I felt someone sitting on my lap and this one was familiar but uncomfortable and she leaned towards me and started kissing my whole face  and when I tilt my face a little what I saw made me shocked

It was avu standing in front of my eyes and then she spoke something stammering which made me more shock and it was " I am sorry....... I didn't knew....I'll leave ". And with these words she went to room

And then the girl on my lap spoke up " I missed you baby was a long trip " I made her stand from my lap  and she was shocked by this and spoke up "what happened why did you did this"
And she complaint again shouting  "did you  forget again that I am your love of your life .......may I make you realise it again you need proofs .....and are you forgetting that I was there with you at all the stages of your life .....are you forgetting that how much I have did for you " with this words she walked out from my house in anger 

But I don't care I really don't care if she is angry with me cause I don't feel good with her ....I don't feel comfortable when she does all these things   

I broke the chain of my thoughts and headed to my room where I can't see avu...she must be in washroom so i sat on the couch  waiting for her

Meanwhile with avu
Avu's pov

When I saw that scene.....I don't know why I felt that I have seen that girl somewhere  but I couldn't remember and about what I said there was just that ...these were the only words which could be   released from my mouth at that time .....and I don't know why but I was getting bad vibes looking at that girl but I cleared all these thoughts and washed my face and then went out of the washroom

The first thing I saw was arnav sitting on the couch and suddenly a thought came to my mind and went to him and stood in front of him and I thought to trouble him too  .....he was shocked  and before he could speak something  " stand up " I said and he stood up. ....I can notice how confused and nervous he is and I was internally laughing at looking his condition then I  extended my hands to held his collar and took a hold of his collar   he was hella scared by my actions    I  further continued " what do you think you are ....what do you  actually think about yourself  mister "  oh my god I can't  control my laughter anymore....look at his condition men...." How dare you " i spoke and turned around and drag him to the bed and he was damn scared and hella shocked and i was supressing my laughter

I made him sit on the bed and spoke still holding his collar " you know what you should take rest you are sick and your temperature is still high"and I couldn't control anymore and I burst out laughing and I can see it on his face he will kill me for this

( A/N - I was Laughing while writing this 😂😂)

That's all for today guys

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Thank you for showering your love on previous parts 💞

See you all in next part

Till then take care and please stay safe

Thank you
-afreen 💕

Stay tuned

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