THE DATE (chapter-58)

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Hola readers

Welcome back

And it is not your dream I have actually updated early this time

Hope you all are happy

If you haven't read previous chapter then go and read as I got less read so may be you missed it , do vomment

As this one is the last chapter .......I hope that i am gonna get the best response ever on it ....... I expect spam from my whole audience on it and I really want to make this chapter remarkable and memorable so can I get 1k+ comments pretty pwease *with puppy eyes*

Don't forget to shower your love through your valuable comments and votes


Siddharth's POV aka arnav's POV

(A/N- doesn't it look strange to read siddharth in place of arnav well I am having very difficulty in writing sid in place of arnav as I am way too attached to arnav's character..... and I can proudly say that I am an Arnavian ...hihi...... what you guys feel )

What is life, without your arms around me? What is life without the smell of you next to me? What is life without you by my side? Cuddle me, love me and promise never to ever live my side...... I opened my eyes just to feel my loves presence beside me ...... I felt like I won everything , it felt different after knowing that she was the one whom I loved from the beginning and fall for her again ...... this morning is different as we are gonna start new chapter of our life from today ...... everything which happened was nothing but our fate that parted us for 4 years ...... now we are one soul again and we are gonna be like this forever ...... I wanna stay with my angel forever....... I need her in my arms every night and I want to wake up to see her angelic face .

She stirred a little and snuggled more into my chest ..... and I smiled taking her fragrance in ...... she started tickling me in no time .... ok she is up ..... but she actually feels like tickling will work on me .... she used to do this when we were in college.

" won't work neet" I said and moved a little to reach her and soon our face were close to each other our breathes hitting each other ..... I attched or noses and start wiggling it against her ......she smiled .....after performing that act I placed a soft kiss on her nose and then hugged her tightly ....... "ohh.... I missed you like hell Neet" i said and pecked her lips ....... "I missed this so freaking much" I said while putting her hair stains behind her ear while making an eye contact with her

"And you exactly know how much I missed all this" she replied with happy tears in her eyes as her wait for her jaan was over now , she was in her jaan's arm after so much of struggle , pain , sorrow and wait . I smiled at her and hugged her

" I know" i whispered in her ear while Hugging her

POV ends


The end

(Lol why you guys are starring at me like that )

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