Fear is temporary Regret is forever(chapter-51)

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Sm1's pov 

"I miss me 

the old me 

the happy me 

the bright me 

the smiling me 

the laughing me 

the gone me "

if we remembered everyday that we could loose someone at any moment , we would love them more fiercely and freely without any fear - not because there is nothing to loose but because everything can always be lost

"I lost everything which was mine . I never respected the people who were there for me always, who accepted me the way I am , who loved  me but I...I  never respected there feelings. For me I myself was the first priority and because of that I ruined everything, I ruined myself , i ruined my life . The first thing I wanted in life was that revenge that bloody revenge for rejection and i thought I won in this game but no I didn't as she was the one who won that time too and this time also she won  . I lost the one who was mine just to get someone who was never made for me , for the one who was never mine . I tried to kill her , I freaking tried to kill her but her fate saved her or I say the live of her beloved saved her . The tears and pain he had in his eyes looking at her lying unconscious was her victory . I tried every possible thing to snatch him from her but at last I couldn't cause love is something which connects soul. They trust they love each other from there souls" i was saying all these things to myself 

"they love each other the same way i used to love you ....... am i right?" a voice came from behind , a familiar one . I turned as soon as possible cause my ears were craving for this voice , i didn't bothered about the words the person said cause i lost my senses hearing this voice . all are memories together , those happy memories started flashing in my mind . i ran towards that figure , the first action my hands performed was feeling him . my hands travelled to his face and started caressing his cheek , tears got courage to make there way out through my eyes flowing towards my cheeks , as soon i realise that it is not a dream i hugged him like there is no tomorrow but he didn't responded and i knew it he won't cause i deserve it . soon he parted away and i don't reacted as he was right at his place 

"you never respected my feelings , i loved you unconditionally and you just wanted that fame , revenge . you wanted to ruin there lives na , now see them happy with these eyes of yours and regret your deeds" he said in anger audible in his voice and visible on his face

"calm down we aren't here for this thing" a voice came and again a familiar , and this time i was shocked like hell , i wasn't able to believe my ears , but i have to believe that it was the same person i thought as the person's figure appeared in front of my eyes 

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